I think that part of the discussion was interesting... Personally I believe beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Tastes vary, and if you love a person enough, there's a good chance you'll view them as beautiful as well, despite them maybe not being the classical definitions of such...
Why did you bring porn up? I think it should be illegal.
Please add a reason to your statement. Since the majority of people posting in this thread seems to think it is fine that it is legal, it would be nice to see some actual arguments from the other view.
Yes , but I believe porn makes men cheat on their wives because they know there is always a better looking women out there.
No, it doesn't. Of the two couples I have personally known to get divorced where the husband cheated on the wife, one cheated on her with a very plain woman. Plain and also chubby. His wife, on the other hand, was quite attractive. The reason he cheated is because he was unwilling to work at keeping his marriage alive after 13 years and so it starved and died. Porn doesn't wreck marriages except the rare instances where porn addiction exists. People that are unwilling to work at keeping their marriage healthy and fail to constantly remind themselves of why they chose the other for a partner in the first place; those make up the vast majority of divorces.
Now, on topic: Porn should be legal, with age restrictions. Exactly how it is now. You have to give teenagers time to develop a healthy understanding of sexuality and what makes the other sex attractive (hint: its not just looks) before you expose them to porn. An eighteen year old is mature enough to handle sexual content in pornography. I also base this on my personal view that any activity that does not have the reasonable posibility of infringing upon the rights of others should be legal.
Okay if looking at naked women is cheating on your wife then so is talking to the women that works in the cubical next to you. i mean come on there is nothing wrong with that. now from a religious point of view i could see that porn is immora, but it is really you decision.
i think that it should be the choice of the person, if they enjoy it, who are we to judge, but if their against it, they shouldn't be shunned o treated differently. honestly, i think that it really doesn't matter very much because if it were illegal, people would still get it anyway, and if it weren't, then not much would change *smiles to self as all the other commentors puse to rething thoughts*
Probably untrue and Cenere i wouldnt say it is nescessarily to do with narcissism.. Just because there are better looking people out there doesnt mean a husband will want to find a better looking wife, and anyway husbands are aware that there are better looking women without having to watch porn, but through general media of tv and regular films etc. In addition a husband has to be seriously deluded if he thinks he can just waltz out there and pick up any buff chick he wants. I would say common sense would stop this right in its tracks.
That is pretty much narchissism. That a guy thinks he can do better, and always looking for a more attractive wife. I am not saying that cheating in general is only done by narchissist, because that I know for sure is not true, but if someone if only looking for the best, he is a narchissist, and yes, would be deluded. That way, well, porn might have an effect, but merely at looking at them, telling oneself that those gals would love to be with you. Just clearing up.
Let us say "why change an already working system".
I think you gotta be over a certain age but thats just my opinion, and sure I've had my few times when looking for a good picture on picture wars I ran into pictures sometimes, except I don't sit there and stare at it or take pictures with my phone like the kids at my school do.
I'm just gonna say that I agree with the system that is already in place, except I think the weak little "YOU HAVE TO BE OVER 18 TO ENTER THIS WEBSITE" button could be changed to actually stop people under 18 from entering. Then there won't be these disillusioned 13 year olds who think sex is what is on the video.
That is pretty much narchissism. That a guy thinks he can do better, and always looking for a more attractive wife. I am not saying that cheating in general is only done by narchissist, because that I know for sure is not true, but if someone if only looking for the best, he is a narchissist, and yes, would be deluded.
Here is a site i found with the characteristics of narcissism. None of the characteristics point to the fact that they would expect their perfection to be matched.