I created this topic because i thought life was a frist person game were the others are only a program,and there is always someone trying to explain it.How to now that i´m not in a alien tech center being studied while my mind is on a "game program" thinking that it's alive?
well Jesus can't exist it's basic science.....he is missing 23 out of the 46 chromosomes that make up a human being. so if he did exist (I'm not saying he does) he would be missing a lot of......everything (an arm(s), leg(s) body etc.) so I no longer believe in ANYTHING! message me with your thoughts.
well Jesus can't exist it's basic science.....he is missing 23 out of the 46 chromosomes that make up a human being. so if he did exist (I'm not saying he does) he would be missing a lot of......everything (an arm(s), leg(s) body etc.) so I no longer believe in ANYTHING! message me with your thoughts.
actually in asexual reproduction he would not have 23 chromosomes but all the same chromosomes as God so jesus would basically be a clone of god
So...how do you go about measuring the age of the universe? Do you use carbon dating for that too?
If you could find a pattern of vectors moving away from the center, you can measure the distance they are separating from each other to find the center and the speed they are moving away to tell how long it has been since they started moving away from it. This is exempting explosions and warped space along their path.
I just noticed something. If the Big Bang is real, then we should be able to see the end of the universe if our telescopes are powerful enough. Since the theory says that everything started as this puny little thing, light from every star and every galaxy started by already reaching every spot in the universe. I'm having a hard time explaining this, so I hope you all understand what I mean.
I find that to be a very...I want to say pathetic, but it doesn't seem to be the right word for it...argument. There, obviously, is evidence that the universe has not been around forever. If it has, would there be many more nebulae out there?
(Was that perhaps actually pointed towards my first argument out of the bottom two?)
Dude, i didnt say the universe has always been. Perhaps you misunderstood. And it doesnt prove the existance of God if you prove that the universe hasnt always been. Perhaps aliens from another dimension created it? =P
Additionally, the big bang theory seems to go well with what you said. The only thing that remains is "Had that big junk that exploded into the universe always been? If not who crated it?". And that big junk having always been around is not much different than God having always been.
If you have ever looked at a ring or the infinity sign (that toppled over eight) you find that there is no end or beginning to those. In a sense, those are "infinite" too. There is one theory that the universe is infinite in that way. You can't get to the end, but it you go straight, you will eventually end up where you started. I don't understand how that works, but it explains a lot.
This is irrevelant/unimportant. Its just awesomely big and has been around for awesomely long, even if not infinite.
And why would it be impossible for God to be infinite if the universe can't be?
You are starting from the wrong point.
First we have to start with: "Why is it impossible for the universe having always been."
To counter that, you said what i quoted first in this post.
And to counter that, i said it could be that big junk from the big bang theory that existed before, or it could be aliens from another dimension what you call God.
In the end, your final argument seems to be: "Theres proof that the universe hasnt always been."
But that doesnt prove that God craeted it. It could be ANYTHING.
I wasn't trying to prove that God created the universe. I was trying to show you that the universe has not been around forever. Just wondering, but do you believe the big bang happened?
First of all: Who created the man? Who created the animals,forests,and seas? Do you think that the man created himself? But how? God is real. Do you think that we came from the monkey? I don't think so. If you say that we from the monkey,Then who created the monkey? Scientists say that the earth was produced by a huge explosion. But... Why are we in here if the earth exploded? Obviously,someone created us!! I respect all other religions but...Those statues that you say that created us,ARE created by the MAN!! I might be confusing you,but no. ... If the earth was created by a ''huge explosion'',no man couldn't exist so NO STATUES WERE CREATED! ... This is making my head explode :-S