ForumsWEPRIs GOD true?Does time exists?What happens when we die?Is the light in the end of the tunnel true?Or the humans created all this?

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195 posts

I created this topic because i thought life was a frist person game were the others are only a program,and there is always someone trying to explain it.How to now that i´m not in a alien tech center being studied while my mind is on a "game program" thinking that it's alive?

  • 183 Replies
1,532 posts

By he i mean god my bad sorry

139 posts

Perhaps I can shed some light on these questions.

1. Is GOD true?

God is like infinity. We'll never know or understand as to why He does things the way he does. God is true if you truly believe He is there. To get to the point, it really depends on the individual themselves. I for one, believe that God exists.

2. Does time exist?

Here is a straight answer, NO! Humans invented time. Think about it. Did time exist when life was around some millions of years ago? The answer is no. Humans invented time for social order.

3. What happens when we die?

In the Physical world, your body releases a massive amount of endorphins through out the body, eventually numbing it. One by one your vital organs shut down until your lungs stop functioning. Without those endorphins, your respiration reflexes would never stop functioning. An then you pass away. Now as far as what happens to you in a first person point of view afterwards is clearly unknown.

4. Is the light in the end of the tunnel true?

Okay, to me this light at the end of the tunnel happens when you die physically and your spirit leaves the body. However this is post-body death and it still falls into the unknown territory.

5. Did humans created all this?

A straight answer to this question is NO! Look at the question. How can humans make God? The answer is that we cannot create an infinity unless we know what infinity is. We do not know what infinity is or what God is. We just simply cannot create a super natural being. The only things that we created in relation to this thread is time.

This is how it works:

An invention comes from an idea, an idea comes from a thought, a thought is something that is made up and/or in your brain, and if something is made up, therefore it never really existed from the start.

Hence, time was created by humans!

53 posts

Dude the thread title is way too short. Seriously, make it a bit longer and more self-explaining the next time.

Ahem, on-topic:

I know its hard to think about "total-unconsciousness". Its frightining and seems unbelievable sometimes. How can total nothingness be?!?
Well it would be just like deep sleep.
In a very deep and totally dreamless state of sleeping, you cant feel anything, even time, unless something interrupts you and your brain gets back in action.
Does it never happen to you that you lie down, fall asleep and when you wake up after hours it feels like its been just 5 mins? :/
Thats hows it when your brain (or at least the "conscous" part) is shut down.
And when youre dead, there wont be anything that gets your brain working again of course, unless like when sleeping, where probably other parts of the brain or maybe the nervous system can control your brain and get it working again. =P

2,169 posts

Just to get rid of all theory garbage...
Evolution- Darwin said he disapproved his theory right before his death, also, if we evolved from something, what was it? how did it get there?

Big Bang- A speck of dust turning into the universe? Hmm... Common sense anyone? Where did the speck come from? Do not say, "It's always been there" because it hasn't.

Atheism- If there is no God, then how did everything come to be? (I can contradict whatever you say)

Other religions- Did Baal help anyone a few million years ago? No... "Baal" was just a piece of metal that people worsipped. Idols can't do anything!

If there are any questions or statements to contradict me, ask me on my profile. I dare you!

945 posts

Wow, that was a load of crap. I don't see your god doing anything either. Maybe Baal was God, never thought of that did you.

Big Bang explains the creation of the universe from something, not the creation of all things. It's a lot more probable than some one just blinking matter into existence. Actually it's quite possible that the big bang came from nothing and that an equal amount of matter and anti matter was formed. The antimatter created the explosion and there you go, something from nothing.

x - x = y - y

Nothing is really there >.>

53 posts

Just to get rid of all theory garbage...

Sorry but your post made little sense. Lets see how well you can really contradict anything i say.

Evolution- Darwin said he disapproved his theory right before his death, also, if we evolved from something, what was it? how did it get there?

I cant know if its true that Darwin really said that. (I heard of that before.)

BUT science does pretty much accept the theory of evolution. Fossils of human-like but non-human creatures have been found that indicate an evolution. See "homo erectus" here as an example:

Of course its disputable. But no way to disprove the theory of evolution.
If you ask me it makes more sense than Adam and Eve.

Big Bang- A speck of dust turning into the universe? Hmm... Common sense anyone? Where did the speck come from? Do not say, "It's always been there" because it hasn't.

LOL that made no sense at all.
How does common sense contradict with the Big Bang theory?
See wiki to see its not as simple as you would imagine it being:
The universe, astronomy etc. are really some weird stuff dude. Common sense doesnt get you very far and you speak like God makes any more sense in terms of "common sense".

"Its not always been there." you say. "Something MUST have created it."
What did create it? God? And what about god then? He has always been there?

Speaking from exactly your own viewpoint:
God - Some being creating the universe? Hmm... Common sense anyone? Where did that being come from? Do not say, "Its always been there" because it hasn't.

Yes, yes of course God is "infinite" and thus cant be created and WAS always there blah blah blah.
That REALLY doesnt make any more sense than that big junk of dust being always there.

Atheism- If there is no God, then how did everything come to be? (I can contradict whatever you say)

How did God come to be? /Stunlock

Other religions- Did Baal help anyone a few million years ago? No... "Baal" was just a piece of metal that people worsipped. Idols can't do anything!

What do you really mean? Which religion do you support and thus which are those you call the "others"?

Yes of course i agree that some weird religions like that really make no sense at all.

But the one you gave as an example is just a single one. And you have to compare it to the religion YOU support.

If there are any questions or statements to contradict me, ask me on my profile. I dare you!

This place is fine for this discussion, why move it to your profile? I want everyone to benefit from this debate. =P
53 posts


The site or text system or whatever somehow included extra words to the links i gave and thus they dont work.

You may copy paste them or just manually go to wiki if you want.

Weird bug... I saw that happening to someone else before.

5,838 posts

I think wiki had some problems last night anyway. It wasn't working for a few hours.

[quote]Big Bang- A speck of dust turning into the universe? Hmm... Common sense anyone?

If you're gonna debate the big bang have some knowledge of it. If it was a "speck of dust" why doesn't every dust particle turn into a new universe?

Common sense doesn't even come into this either. A proton (positivly charged thing in the nucleus of an atom) is tiny. This "." can hold 500,000,000,000 of them. (if you like comparisons that is more than the number of seconds in half a million years). Know if you divide that by about a billion you get the size of the universe at the start. Depending on what theory you follow you will have to either add some matter or all matter. Common sense doesn't work at atmoic level so when we are talking about these sizes you can completly forget it.

698 posts

All right. This discussion is not working. Apparently, we Christians don't understand the Big Bang theory. Exactly how did the Big Bang happen? You keep adding different things to the theory that change it so that our arguments don't work. Please explain the theory in detail.

945 posts

....or you could look it up yourself.

698 posts

No, I want to know what you think it is. There are different versions because some of the details are a little vague.

53 posts

I dont get why you get stuck to that one theory as if disproving it will prove God or Christianity.

Just accept the fact that Christianity (or anything about God) is just a "religion" that will never get proven, and that theories like the Big Bang are just theories that arent proven/disproven yet but could be some day. Surely it wont be YOU who disproves the theory of Big Bang in this forum. Not as easy as you would think of it. =P

902 posts

Existentialism! Awwwwwright!

902 posts

Existentialism! Awwwwwright!
To this, we resort to one saying: "I think, therefore, I am". Beyond that, nothing is absolutely provable with the right mindset.

902 posts

Sorry 'bout the double post.

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