see, this is were I'm confused. Evolution and Big Bang are 2 different things. I'm not sure why you think they are the same, but I don't think they have anything to do with each other.
I don't believe they are the same. Evolutionists have to believe that everything came about somehow.
Also as I have stated before, Even the people who developed the big bang theory have changed it multiple times because of inconsistencies they found when they tested the theory. So I personally don't believe in it, and I'm not an expert, that's why I say look it up yourself, because that's all I'm going to do if I'm asked about it.
So how DO you think everything came about?
As for evolution, micro evolution proves it's a posibility, not that it's fact. If you take 1,000,000 marbles and start them rolling, it's PROBABLE that at least 1 will make it to the end.
That depends on where the end is, what the size of the end is, what direction all the marbles are rolling, how hard you roll the marbles. If the end is about a billion square miles of space, is right up against your face no matter what direction you turn, and you roll every marble randomly, then yes, it is quite probable that the marbles will make it to the end. On the other hand, if the end is a speck that is a few billion miles away and you have a weak arm and you are rolling marbles in the opposite direction (and we assume that we are on an infinite plane), then there is no chance you will get even one marble to the end. I'm not saying that evolution is like that, because there is a chance of it happening. It is safe to say that there are about a few hundred trillion existing planets (considering how many stars there are), but there is hardly any chance of them being able to support life.
~First, they must not be gas planets. That rules out at least half of the planets.
~Second, they must have the proper atmosphere to support life. If the planet has no atmosphere, the change in temperature goes from extremely hot to extremely cold in short amounts of time. If the atmosphere is too thick (like Venus) it is quite obvious why you can't have any living organism there. This rules out maybe 9,999,999/1,000,000 of the planets that are not gas planets.
~Lastly, they must be a certain distance from their sun, relative to how hot their sun is. That takes out maybe all but a billionth of what was left, considering the fact that there are so many possibilities including the possibility that the planet could have an orbit like a comet.
So, it is quite likely that we are on the only planet suitable for living creatures. Then, you have the problem of how much chance there is for evolution. Some scientist said that the chances of DNA being produced randomly is like the chances of a hundred monkeys banging on typewriters to accidentally type, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."
I will prove to you the creation of everything as soon as you explain what the empty space (space everything exists in) is and how it was created. God is not an answer as he exists in our plane. Saying that he exists in another plane just means that you are saying there are multiple dimensions and realities, and that goes into another discussion on alternate realities and such.
Why can't I say that God did it? That is what I believe! Why
can't he be in the same plane?