Similar to Euthanasia, this pill would kill someone who just doesn't want to live anymore. This would encompass those who were terminally ill or just people who wanted to off themselves for whatever reason. There could be a program that the individual would have to go through that would include counseling and a mandatory waiting period. After this point, if someone still wants to kill themselves they could just take a pill - say, cyanide - and die a relatively painless death. I don't think this would increase the number of suicides - if someone really wants to do it, they'll find a way. But wouldn't it be much better if everyone in the family knew and it wouldn't be a sudden shock to an unsuspecting family member? Thoughts?
"i think its horible that people would conciter to commit suidside in time everything will work it self out so if anyone out there reading this take my advise and live all you need is pasionts."
Taoism, eh? (If you're scratching your head and going "hunh?" google "wuwei" An interesting idea, but an unstable one. You want to go to a hospital room and tell a terminally ill patient in extreme pain that they'll just have to wait, it'll sort itself out?
"Very well said Devoidless, and I cannot disagree. Why should someone else have the power to say when you can live in die, when you do not? Interesting."
Well, the problem here is that emotions make us unstable. I know people who have wanted to "end it" before, to a degree that they were ready to, but scared of the pain. Once the emotion passed, they found themselves glad that they did not do it. If something happens, one can make very bad choices in the thralls of anger and sadness. That's why a neutral third party is necessary, so we don't make decisions that we would regret later. Am I being clear? I had some trouble conveying my thoughts into words.
You are still missing my main point. If someone can decide to kill someone on life support, do those people also need a neutral third party? Because they sure do not need one to kill someone who may want to still live.
Besides, as I am sure someone else must of said it, if someone was really determine to kill themselves they will find a much worse way to kill themselves.
And, just to use your own ideas, the process could be done as so: People who want the pill can get it, but they must wait for one week(or something like that) before getting it. If they still feel that way, go for it.
Eh... something about it just feels wrong to me. This isn't something I've ever really talked to somebody about, but I have thought about it a lot and... I don't know. Call me biased, but something about it just feels wrong.
That doesn't actually give an opinion, DecadentDragon. So I am assuming that you agree with the idea, but why? On what basis do you think it is morally correct?
Meaning that morality will change to fit the timeschan and current views will be considered archaic. This planet only has so many resources. When supply runs low (and it will) the moralistic view will evolve.
Still, that isn't really related to the here and now, which is what we are talking about. We're not talking about overpopulation, this is the wrong place for those thoughts. Start a new thread, or bump an old one.
"You are still missing my main point. If someone can decide to kill someone on life support, do those people also need a neutral third party?" Eh, the one case of that that I heard was a girl who had (before going brain-dead) to be killed if something had ever happened to her. As for your other idea, about the week, I think that that's a great idea, but the last day or two should be monitored in case ANOTHER bad thing happened on the last day. Not sure how to do that unobtrusively though...
How come so many people just hear about that one case...*grumble*
I was talking about a more sweeping range of those situations. People who are braindead, comatose, etc.. That happens on a routine basis.
What the hell could happen on the last day which would change anything? If someone was getting a painless, quick way to die in one day...what would change their mind? If I was going to take that course of action, I do not care what happens to me before I take the pill.
Besides, you are more or less suggesting that Big Brother take another step towards complete surveillance and control over us even when we desire to die. Great, yeah.
When I originally proposed this idea, I suggested a mandatory waiting period. I think 6 months was a number that was in my head - if you're still suicidal after 6 months, then I just don't see how an event in your "final days" could change your mind. Even if you did change your mind, it's not compulsory to take the pill once you've signed up for the program, although that would certainly make things more interesting
Oh, ok. That works I suppose. But 6 months seems like a really long time. It kind of makes sense, because that gives the person ample time to think it over and such. But...come on. It would help out everyone if they know..died quicker and with none of the "Ewww...brains on the ceiling" part.
Well I'm catholic and i believe that only God has the right to take life. I know it is very hard to talk about this, but even if you were depressed, it shouldn't be done.
I think it's needed for old people. I would hate to die of old age. If killing yourself is such a sin in your religion, why isn't there some one taking one for the team, and just killing people?