Similar to Euthanasia, this pill would kill someone who just doesn't want to live anymore. This would encompass those who were terminally ill or just people who wanted to off themselves for whatever reason. There could be a program that the individual would have to go through that would include counseling and a mandatory waiting period. After this point, if someone still wants to kill themselves they could just take a pill - say, cyanide - and die a relatively painless death. I don't think this would increase the number of suicides - if someone really wants to do it, they'll find a way. But wouldn't it be much better if everyone in the family knew and it wouldn't be a sudden shock to an unsuspecting family member? Thoughts?
Euthanasia for purposes of incurable illness isn't a bad thing in my opinion. You can get the final closures of your life together and stuff and then die in peace. However, for purposes of depression, this would be a huge mistake. Being a teenager, I've had my ups and downs before. And the downs sometimes feel like they'll never end. I wouldn't necessarily have turned to suicide, but I'm certain others would for stress that would eventually end. Having an easy out like this might kill off the future for no reason other than the fear of test taking or of giving a speech in speech class or something (actually, public speaking was the number one fear in a poll, NOT death). One might just end their life out of erratic decisions. Suicide is a harder process to go through and complete, and is not encouraged. Having these pills ready for teenagers will not help the effort. So I personally think you should have a disease that cannot be cured if you are to be offered these pills.
Why would the government set up suicide options if they already have the don't do it hotline? And what about theft of these pills? Everything gets into the wrong hands eventually. I mean, look at LSD. It was originally a prescription drug for failing marriages and the manically depressed, but kids got their hands on it and used it for recreational uses and, boom, it became illegal.
I agree with, TSL3 i know that kids are stupid but do you seriously know any kid who would knowingly pop a suicide pill into their mouth. There's always the risk of a child finding and swallowing it, but thats with every other pill to and also it doesn't have to be a pill does it? (i.e. lethal injection)