Tsk tsk tsk, bladerunner, that ascii image is NOT APPROPRIATE. Seriously, though, you might wanna substitute it for "fwumple" or something of the like. And girls can be gay, too.
There are varying shades of... gayness, and the best way to find out where you fit on the spectrum is just to wait.
It is never easy to see if someone is gay. Attitude is like any other, voice is the same. Homsexuals is normal people just happening to be attracted to the same sex, instead of the opposite. Like heteros "acting gay", without being it. Human tend to be a very changing and different species, where the individuals try to differentiate themselves from ohers.
I don't know how many of you have considered the fact that there is varying degrees between true homosexual and true heterosexual.
You know that you are a homosexual when you do not in any way feel physically attracted to the opposite sex, and would in no way like to "get intimate" with one. At least that's the way I'd define it.
But there are various degrees of it, with bisexuality right in the middle. Just because a guy would kiss or more with another guy, doesn't mean he'd be faking anything if he ends up with wife and kids. And the other ways around...
I also would really like to know why this thread have been made. Why do you ask?
True but the thread is refferring to true homosexuals not bi sexuality as far as i can tell.
It is apparently, but it is a very personal thing, and can honestly take quite a while to figure out if you're gay or not, or maybe bisexual. I would know. -_-
Sexual attraction is not a black and white matter, there are many aspects to it... Some people does not realize that they are not gay before they've tried homosexual sex and found that it wasn't "their thing", some have just always known they'd never be with one of the opposite sex. And there are dozens of other ways of realizing that one is gay.
That's easy.... If you like another person with the same sex....
Oversimplified. Most people like their friends, of the same sex, right? I know what you mean, but you say it too simple.
If you're gay, you act like it. You can be optimistic, joyful, encouraging and still be a normal boy. If you add that with a high voice and sissy clapping while jumping up and down..Then you're gay.
Nice job Talo, you fit 2 of those definitions, congratulations! =)
Seriously though, that remark of yours was horrible, try another, more constructive reason to define homosexual. I'm sick and tired of these homosexual jokes running this thread, this isn't some sort of joke here, this is serious business, so I suggest anyone here who did it or is planning on doing so to STOP.
Actually I fit none of those during that post so... I'll be making a thread soon inspired by you. Look for it.
Of course this is a joke. Just look at the title. How do you know? That's like saying how do you know if you like chocolate over strawberry. I was just going to post the de-motivational gay poster. And I am completely serious about my post. If you DONT KNOW if you are gay or not, then YOU ARE PROBABLY GAY. It's also a high probably that if you have girls for friends, you are probably gay. If you care about how you look, a little too much. YOU ARE PROBABLY GAY. Now what about my post was wrong?
I don't hate gay people just FYI. Homosexuality is found in nature all the time. It's not just humans. It's probably a genetic program to keep us from reproducing too much. Funny as how the US is actually Shrinking in population and they have to rely on immigration to keep the numbers up.