ForumsWEPRRepublicans, attacked?

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232 posts

I cannot stand to hear or read another thing about republicans being hicks and rednecks and that democrats just understand everything and that there sooooo much smarter. When i read movie reviews if the movie is about global warming it's a masterpiece if it's about the POSSIBILITY that conservatives are right it's TERRIBLE. And the worst is global warming let me say this we could not have caused global warming! it's not possible that a few plastic bags and some cars are destroying the planet! if dick cheney had the idea of global warming every scientist out there would try to prove global warming doesn't exist. list of idiots: barack obama he and all the other chicago politicians are like gangsters
Michael moore how is this guy rich? all he does is run around like a prophet of death let me say something jet fuel isn't hot enough to melt steel but it does weaken and then bend!!
bill clinton #1 for doing nothing in office

sadly i know this will be locked =(

  • 255 Replies
232 posts

Stop outsourcing jobs, starting wars we don't need, invading our privacy, giving defense contracts away to your own companies without allowing bids, and choosing bad VP candidates. The list can go on, you know.

Stop trying killing babies, stop putting the environment above peoples jobs, stop looking at the short run over the long run, stop having sex in the oval office.

Lol, ever heard of the PATRIOT Act? It lets the government wiretap your house and hold your possessions without a warrant, as well as send you on down to Gitmo without a fair and swift trial. Wait, weren't all those stated in the Bill of Rights?

Uh no, first you have to be a suspected terrorist, second who cares get over the fact their listening to you talking to your girlfriend, if you don't want them listening what do you have to hide?

I am liberal. I am going to war in less than 2 weeks. What do you have to say to that?

I say, good luck, and i salute you, blade you need to pull in some facts with these opinions.

Obama > Awesomeness AND Obama = Qualified

Hey maybe, I wouldn't have voted for but I'll give him the benifit of the doubt for a while, I'm sure he'l screw up in my eyes in 2009 but others may like him. also i think bladerunner is a genius he could be president!

I couldn't have said it better

4,871 posts

also i think bladerunner is a genius he could be president!

I really doubt I'd vote for someone as conservative as you, I'm very conservative, but prefer a little moderation.
1,523 posts

Stop trying killing babies, stop putting the environment above peoples jobs, stop looking at the short run over the long run, stop having sex in the oval office.

I wasn't asking for a rebuttal, simply responding to bladerunner's question about why Republicans are "attacked" by the media.

Killing babies? I wasn't aware democrats were mass murderers. As for the environment above people's jobs, what's that about? Government funding for cleaner, efficient energy helps create jobs.

stop looking at the short run over the long run

What? You mean for the economy? In order to fix the long run, we need to take care of the country now. Of course, you could always take President Bush's approach and give out a billion dollar's worth of money to people as a "stimulus".

stop having sex in the oval office

Lol, first off, it was oral, and second, that was one president.

Uh no, first you have to be a suspected terrorist, second who cares get over the fact their listening to you talking to your girlfriend, if you don't want them listening what do you have to hide?

Well, first off, the girlfriend thing was uncalled for. Secondly, under the PATRIOT Act, the government doesn't even need probably cause to bug your phones. Someone can simply phone in and say "I think ______ is suspicious, and should be kept under watch," and that's all they need. Third, it's an invasion of privacy, terrorist or no terrorist.
1,523 posts

the government doesn't even need probably cause to bug your phones.

Sorry for the double post, but I meant &quotrobable cause," not &quotrobably cause".
232 posts

I'm open to all opinions it's just that i disagree with most popular liberal subjects.

232 posts

umm zootsuit_riot barack obama's plan is to give tax cuts to the middle classes and raise taxes for the rich which would be worse then anything bush ever did to ruin the economy.

1,523 posts

umm zootsuit_riot barack obama's plan is to give tax cuts to the middle classes and raise taxes for the rich which would be worse then anything bush ever did to ruin the economy.

The middle and lower class outnumbers the rich by far. Although the rich make big investments here and there, it is the blue and white collar workers who fuel the economy. In other words, they need the money from the tax cuts to spend.
14 posts

I say technology like video games will save our life's from this so called global warming.

232 posts

but how many middle class people will make investments? even with tax cuts people won't wanna risk it.

2,662 posts

stop having sex in the oval office.

I like having someone in charge who i can relate to.

but how many middle class people will make investments? even with tax cuts people won't wanna risk it.

In this context investments arent mean on the big scale. Just spendiung the money they save on tax cuts on general goods they would not have been able to afford otherwise, hopefully fueling the economy and saving more jobs. Much better than cash hand outs like Bush. Talk about only solving it in the short run, the democrat's solution is much more long term than 'heres some money, go buy yourself something nice'.
232 posts

you have to admit that the sex scandal was completely unprofessional. but if you give tax cuts to middle class and take it away from the rich then you didn't solve anything.

2,662 posts

tax cuts to middle class and take it away from the rich then you didn't solve anything.

Not really, the economies 'loss' if you like, through the rich being taxed is outweightd by the contribution which would be made by the middle class if their tax was cut.
232 posts

there's a lot more rich people then you think who make the investments the economy needs....

2,662 posts

there's a lot more rich people then you think who make the investments the economy needs....

There are waaaay more middle class, than rich, and giving them more disposable income would have a better effect on the economy than taxing the rich less and leaving them to spend it. Just because people are rich doesnt mean they spend spend spend, most rich people i know are quite stingy.
1,523 posts

Just because people are rich doesnt mean they spend spend spend,

Exactly. Rich people may buy a Ferrari every once in a while, or a nice house, but it's the middle class that have to take out mortgages and loans, which is what the banks and lending companies make money off of.
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