ForumsGamesThe Official Suggestions Thread

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77 posts

There seems to be a whole bunch of recommendations at the Sonny 2 v1.3 thread, and I doubt that was Krin was looking for. Post all your suggestions for future versions of Sonny here.

  • 187 Replies
22 posts

this is from the wikipedia chess rules page regarding timing, link found at:


Digital game clock
Tournament games are played under time constraints, called time controls, using a game clock. Each player must make his or her moves within the time control or be subject to forfeiting the game. There are different types of time controls. In some cases each player will have a certain amount of time to make a certain number of moves. In other cases each player will have a limited amount of time to make all of his or her moves. In addition to having this time limit, the player may gain a small amount of additional time for each move made, either by a small increment added for each move made or by the clock delaying a small amount of time each time it is started after the opponent's move (Schiller 2003:21â"24).
If a player delivers a checkmate, the game is over and he or she wins, no matter what is subsequently noticed about the time on the clock.
If player A calls attention to the fact that player B is out of time while player A is not out of time and some sequence of legal moves leads to B being checkmated then player A wins automatically. If player A does not have the possibility of checkmating B then the game is a draw (Schiller 2003:28).[6]
If player A calls attention to the fact that player B is out of time, but it is then noted that player A is also out of time, then:
If a sudden death control is not being used, the game continues in the next time control.
if the game is played under a sudden death time control (each player has a fixed amount of time no matter how many moves are played), then if it can be established which player ran out of time first, the game is lost by that player; otherwise the game is drawn.
If a player believes his or her opponent is attempting to win the game on time and not by normal means (i.e. checkmate), if it is a sudden death time control and the player has less than two minutes remaining, he or she may stop the clocks and claim a draw with the arbiter. The arbiter may declare the game a draw or postpone the decision and allot the opponent two extra minutes (Schiller 2003:21â"24,29).

the point of posting that is that you should be aware that Chess timing rules are intended to compare the relative amount of time each of the players is taking to make their moves. Chess timing rules are not intended to force players to play at a frantic pace or else forfeit a move. they only come into effect if the total amount of time a player takes to complete a game is too long.

there is no appropriate analogy between Chess timing rules and the ability timer in Sonny 2 heroic mode. its just a twitch timer and its annoying to myself and some others. if you like it, i'm glad. i'm merely suggesting that it should be optional to disable it for those of us who do not like it.

20,591 posts

Heroic mode is supposed to be hard, right?

Then it really all fits.

1,037 posts

I think you should be able to click in time, it's not like it takes that long to think and click. You should be thinking ahead anyway in strategy

22 posts

i'm definitely able to click in time. i have two working hands and two working eyes. thats not the issue.

i just don't think that it adds anything to the game. i honestly had more fun on Challenging difficulty even though it was way too easy. twitch gameplay is not a good substitute for actual difficulty. the joy i derive from this game comes from solving the little &quotuzzles" that make up the combat. in order to do that i need to be able to read the buff and debuff icons. it feels extremely bad and punitive that taking the time to read them on Heroic mode results in losing a turn.

it ought to be possible to make the game difficult by actually scaling up the encounter quantitatively (bigger numbers from the enemy) and qualitatively (new enemy abilities on higher difficulty levels). nowhere in there is it necessary to add difficulty through time pressure.

if i wanted to play a game where time pressure was the primary focus i'd be playing some kind of shooter/action game like The Last Stand 2 ( or something similar. it feels out of place in Sonny and I wish it wasn't there.

as i said previously, i'm glad you enjoy it. however, seeing as how this is basically a single player game i see no harm in having the option be available as a toggle instead of enforced on all players, even those who dislike it.

501 posts

I agree, make heroic harder, but remove the timer... Honestly, I had a harder time on challenging than on heroic (not sure why though...)

qualitative additions as transitive said would be quite welcome...

1 posts

After playing through on challenging, I have some ideas I'd like to put forward.

As others have said, I wouldn't mind seeing the timer configurable. Perhaps there could be a Passive Combat effect (or just an ability) that slows the timer down.

I liked the cheap Item Glitch in Sonny 1, but understand why it was not reproduced. However, because the items themselves are limited, and because you end up with way too much cash and nothing interesting to buy, maybe you could introduce Item Upgrades for money, or allow the user to combine items somehow to increase the stats of an item.

I also very much like the suggestions above about some visual indicator of in-battle stats, so that you can quickly gauge the effect of multiple buffs.

Finally, while this might not be possible until Sonny 3, I would like to have the ability to go back and pick which battles to replay, as opposed to only being able to replay the last character of a level after you have cleared an Area. Perhaps even allow the user to replay battles from the current Area prior to clearing it.

1,037 posts

How hard is challenging?

Maybe Heroic is just Challenging with a timer...

...Dunno, skipped it completely.

22 posts

Heroic is scaled numerically relative to Challenging. Enemies have more health and do more damage. other than that its the same as Challenging...but with a timer.

1 posts

The movie parts should have subtitles, too!

Erm, because, you know, subtitles are cool and stuff, and it is easier for people whom english is not their home language (like me) to understand.

Or maybe that is just me.

7 posts

they should make more weapons & armor.

501 posts

That I am sure is coming, along with a new zone.

1,037 posts

Speaking of new Zones, do you think that large tower seen from Zone 2 could be of any importance?

Maybe a new zone?

At first I thought it was nothing, but than again, it IS rather large on the map, and it IS closer to Zone 6 than Zone 2.

1,037 posts

(I meant Zone 5, not Zone 6)

764 posts

In Sonny 3 there should be an armour that makes Sonny and other team members have more arms so they can wield more primary/secondary weapons or they could make more zones and put this in the last zone. And there should be a LIVE pvp mode so players can actully do their best.

501 posts

Well, both ideas would be nice, but I doubt that we will EVER have live pvp and as far as extra arms. You may get a chestpiece with arms attached, but if they hold weapons, they won't be editable. I mean unless Krin makes a new character with like 4 robotic arms that holds 4 weapons, I doubt it...

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