ForumsGame WalkthroughsInfantryman123's Guide Too Warfare 1917

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Warfare 1917

I have roughly played this game for as long as it has been around,and i thought i could teach you some tips and tactics on this game. This AG flash game is a very great game,and i am hoping the armor games will make a sequel to this and a very in proved one. Through out my experience in playing Warfare 1917,i have found out many things. I am about to show you my learnings on this game.

Defense:First,fill your trench(s) with machine gun squads,place three machine gun squads into each trench. This is a very effective strategy. I really do not like playing defense at all,i just can't handle sitting there waiting for the enemy sometimes,i will be showing you a strategy later on,about how to get rid of the morale game and sitting there. I know their are some of you,who like playing defense,but not for me!

Offense A strategy that most people use is the tactic of charging the opposing enemy. First,put three assault teams into your trench. Lock the trench,and then have a fourth one coming,when it is about to land,release all your assault teams in that trench. The fourth assault team will be coming with you,since you locked the trench. They will precede into marching towards the opposing enemy and their will be very few dead troops,even if they do have machine gun squads,riflemen and artillery,the assault teams will bombard the enemy. Meanwhile,you should still be getting riflemen for covering fire,so you can insure your assault teams,that they have cover. Once you have bombarded your foe to the very last man,you continue on and get your assault teams into the trenches and out,then leave your riflemen in that trench,and your assault teams will take the field. You have won a victory! that is how it has worked for me and i am sure it will work for you.Test this on custom battles and you can test it for yourself and use it for a strategy in your campaign. The more trenches you have the more men you can put into a charge.

Fire support/Artillery: Your most precious weapon,and by god,use it wisely! i trust that you don't just use your artillery whenever you feel like it,because that is not a good tactician. You must use it to your advantage in key parts of the battle and campaign. Just because the enemy may have more fire support and they get it much quicker,doesn't mean you should use your artillery right at the very moment you get it. Use it when you feel you really need it. For example,when you are using the charging tactic,right before your going to charge the enemy,use your heavy artillery to take out some of their infantry in their trench. And use your mortars at the very ridge/end of the field,so some reinforcements get hit,which means less resistance when you get to that point. I will identify the following:

Mortars: You should use this type of artillery when the infantry is out in the open. Not when their infantry is entrenched! i don't care how accurate it may be for you,but it is a waste of artillery when you could have charged the enemy at a different time in the battle.

Heavy Artillery:This is when you can finally use artillery against entrenched infantry in my opinion,but use it wisely,because it takes time to reload. I deals more damage and also effects a greater range of a area you are aiming it at,which makes it ideal for using agianst entrenched forces,or tanks.

Gas: Use it wisely. This is finally the ideal fire support to completely clear out entrenched infantry,sometimes. Along with this and heavy artillery,you can use heavy artillery for one trench and then the other trench for gas,making your job easier. Also,use gas for blockading off the enemy to,so if they do go through,make sure some are dead once they come out of the foggy toxic gas.

Anti-tank gun: Use it against tanks,that is all you should pretty much be using it for.

"New" tactic:

You know how awful it must be if your a offensive type player,waiting for the enemy to get out of their trenches,so you can kill them,right? the so called "morale game" could be prevented if you have luck and you follow these instructions:

Get three snipers,have them put into a trench. This can also work if you just have one. Send them out,and watch and wait for them to inflict damage on the enemy. Meanwhile, put one machine gun squad and then two assault teams into you trench. Right now the enemy should be pretty fed up with these snipers and send out a assault team or riflemen. If you want you can send out all your squads (consisting of one machine gun squad and two assault teams) and then have the snipers and the machine gun squad give you covering fire,while your assault teams move in to bombard the enemy with their grenades. Also,use your gas to blockade the end of the field off,so reinforcements can't deploy out into the trench,and have your heavy artillery bombard the entrenched enemy,so it is easier for you. That could be a win for you,if it works. I don't know if it will work for you,but it just might.

Conclusion: I hope you are able to use this information to your advantage,but i really think your going to learn a lot when you play the game more. I hoped you learned something from this & good luck!

Hint:Protect your tanks with assault teams,they can deal some damage against opposing tanks.

  • 36 Replies
2,820 posts

exellent stratagys, i get thro many more levels with this way of thinking.

138 posts

There is this one subject i would like to also address. It has to do with assault teams attacking a trench full of assault teams. Now,you know that assault teams aren't that great for defense. So,for instance when I was playing on custom battles,I attacked a trench full of assault teams,and then,just then the assault teams came out of the trench and now it was going to be volley against volley. Which,I really hate because, exchanging firepower against firepower in this case,means that it all depends on how fast you get those reinforcements and what reinforcements they are.
So, I was sitting there not knowing how to react to this. So, I had my Lewis gunners ready to deploy,so i deployed them. And once i had deployed them,the firefight was still raging and at the time I had casulties,and so did they. Then, i looked forward and they were deploying another assault team! Luckily,I made the right decision by deploying my Lewis gunners,for they were halfway there. Not soon after that,did the enemy descide to deploy riflemen to help out the assault teams.
Finally,my Lewis gunners reached the battle and by that time my whole assault team were gone except one lonely warrior who was still fighting for King & Country.
By that time the enemy had one assault team and one full squad of riflemen. So,I was observing the fight,deploying Lewis gunners for support and then I deployed a squad of assault teams. So, the assault teams could provide a little offense and be a little bit of a pest.
The fight had raged on for ten minutes and I eventually won. But,this really was not just a victory,but a win for tactics. This tactic of having a assault team attacking you and then have your assault teams deploy out of the trench,so this can really help you on a defensive front. Your pretty helpless when an assault team attacks you and your playing defense,right?
This tactic not only helps you from not getting slaughtered,but it helps you to buy time for reinforcements,and it really depends on how efficent your reinforcements are, and how fast they arrive.

I hope this other tactic helps you!

789 posts


3,562 posts

I think this is a great guide, not only is it concise you know what you are talking about, and your tactics do not rely on zerg rushes.


46 posts

i coplete game in 2 hours, just use zerg advantage... but your guide usefull, thanks anyway

138 posts

If you see this other guide called "WARFARE 1917 COMPLETE WALKTHROUGH" and has all my guide typed about Warfare 1917 in bold,it was stolen. The guy's name is "Roult". With this misunderstanding i'm going to give a copyright for my guide:

Copyright@ 2009, May 18,2009.

Sorry for the misunderstanding, and if you see someone with my December 31,2008 of my post,then it is not their's.

541 posts

the other guy that copied your work is a stupid lousy good for nothing.. if you can't write your own walk through, walk off a skyscraper.

541 posts

I think this is a great guide, not only is it concise you know what you are talking about, and your tactics do not rely on zerg rushes.

zerg, is that referring to like star craft??? they created a term based on the team zerg?? wow!
541 posts

Infantryman is the creator of this!

that's what I said.
2,917 posts

put some snipers in that tench too.

138 posts

I would also like to add another thing (I probably might retype this whole thing and put all the sections together, which should make it easier), it is about trench setups. So I hope this helps you and I will give you advantages to the setup's.

One machine gun squad and two assault teams:This is a very good setup for a frontline trench. It allows you to have two assault teams on hand for a counter-attack and one defensive unit that protects you from other counter-attacks. The machine gun squad should provide solid defense, but if it looks like you can't win the fight, then release all your units in that trench, so you can revamp your whole trench with reinforcements. This could be used for a reinforcement trench, notably your second trench.

Machine gun squad/Assault team/Riflemen:This is a very useful trench setup actually, it provides balance. You can use your machine gun squad for defense for that trench,and then you can use your assault team for an attack and the riflemen for covering fire. Like I said, this is a very balanced trench and can be used for both as offensive and defensive trenches.

Three machine gun squads:I would suggest only using this if you are sure you are only going to be going offensive. Very effective defensive trench.

BEWARE-This might not always work during a campaign, due to
enemy artillery,but you can use this on custom battles.

Happy gaming,everyone!

28 posts

I dont get the last mission (Last Stand) playing the British. I wipe out all enemies on the map, then a tank shows up. I place my anti-tank barrage target down, but my guys surrender as it starts to fire. Sometimes my guys give up and before the screen changes the enemy tank blows up lol. I even throw gas on the edge of the field so any new recruits are snuffed out. Theres no enemies around and they surrender.
Whats up with that?

138 posts


In answer to your question,it is probably your morale being depleted. It is one of the bars on the top of the screen thats shows how much morale you have. If I were you I would try to not send out a lot of infantry and focus on the armor (the tank), because there are mine's on that last mission. Then just use your fire support. I hope that helps!

545 posts

This was a great guide. I can get much further in the game now.

47 posts

Thanks a bunch that helped me past the last 2 levels of my campaings in this game!!

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