They have been a peaceful religion in the past, and have been the victims in History.
The actions of mostly christian europeans in the past does not excuse the actions of the Israelis. Ironically the one place where Jews had most rights during the Middle Ages was under the Muslim Saudi Caliphate. Some thanks they get.
I mostly agree with the points Skyla has been making. However, I have no doubt in my mind that if the positions were reversed the Palestinians would probably be acting in the same way as the Israelis. I consider myself on the whole completely neutral on this issue.When you look back, the Palestinians under Yasser Arafat have done terrible things too. I think it is very easy to have a world view when you don't live in a war zone. I have many friends who have been travelling to Jerusalem. Many of them rabidly pro Israel coming out completely pro Palestinian from what they have seen. I bet pro Israelis on this thread would do the same.
well for this topic i have done some very quick research for a paper i am doing and this conflict has much to do with there belifes the hamas has the belif and the set goal to irradicate the israelies. Yet the israelies are set on the goal for ultimate peace the hamas also has been names a terrorist organization by the united nations. Hamas is also a acronym meaning "Haakat al-maqa wamaal Islamiya" witch means islamic resistance movement.Due to the hams this terrorist organization wants power such as the al-queda. So due to this the war in israel is not only on religion but also a power struggle
Maybe so, but the Palestinian people actually liked him and he was not part of a puppet Israeli government, unlike Abu Mazen who's reputation hit rock bottom. He's a pawn in the hands of the Israeli government.
Maybe so, but the Palestinian people actually liked him and he was not part of a puppet Israeli government, unlike Abu Mazen who's reputation hit rock bottom. He's a pawn in the hands of the Israeli government.
Does his popularity amongst the Palestinian people justify the violent actions he advocated? His actions at the Oslo Peace Accords prevented there being peace in the region, as Clinton had persuaded the Israelis to concede certain rights to the Palestinians.
Don't get me wrong, I share woody's views and prefer to adopt a neutral stance. However the actions of the Israelis have attracted much suppoort to the Palestinian cause, which is fine, as long ass you don't lose the view of the bigger picture. This recent crisis of one of many throughout the 20th century. One should take all of these into account, both the Israeli and Palestinian atrocities, before you cast judgement as to who holds the moral highground.
The recent outburst of violence has ended, but the issue has not yet been resolved, and probably never will be if things continue the way things are. Hopefully the new Obama administration will at least help to ease the tension.