McCain. I want McCain to win. What? NOOOOO! REPUBLICAN! GET TEH GUNZZ! I'm an independent. But I want McCain to win, because I tend to lean right on most issues. That being said, I'd much rather we had Ron Paul to back, but noooo, that couldn't happen >_<
Because he's from Texas and I gotta vote for my own. Besides, out of all the candidates we have, I like him best. Still hate them all, though. Our system = corrupt and failed. Like any system.
I do know about him, enough to say I like him. I don't fundamentally disagree with freedom. Constitutional rights must not be abolished unless we abolish them all and destroy the government completely. I may be fascist ideal, but first and foremost I'm a realist, which means I have to vote for who I think will be the best man in the oval office.
Im sorry to burst your bubble WizardInBlack, but Obama is American. His dad was from Africa, but he was born in the U.S. and the Constitution states that anyone born in the U.S. is a citizen. If that wasn't true, my boy Arnold S. from California could run!!!!!