ForumsWEPRNazis...seeing through their eyes

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When people hear Germany they think of hitler and WW2 and how bad the nazis were. But the question is in their point of view were they bad people? Sure they killed jews. But when your country calls you have to go. their was rebellions, but none succeful. Try to flee the country instead of serving you would be shot. Most were excited and glad of what hitler said. He was gifted in the art of speech. Jews were also thought of as the enemy of Germany, and bringing their country down. What do you think of nazis?

  • 160 Replies
653 posts

Hitler was a vegetarian, and hated animal cruelty. Himmler was an animal activist. Nazi scientists with hitler's backing tried to tell the public smoking was a cause of cancer. Hitler wasnt the first to hate Jews.

right except for the whole world domination and genocide thing the nazi's were the nicest people ever lol

i believe it was in 1933 that Hitler wanted to update the German highways so he could move his troops across Germany more easily so he held a labor rally and promised all kinds of things to the labor unions then the day after he arrested/killed the leaders of the unions and basically forced the people to work or be killed although he did provide them with a wage that was more than they were making at the time

If he hadn't spent so much on the military, the German economy would have done much better.

the main reason for the long economic depression was the reparations Germany had to pay after WWI after Hitler took power he stopped paying the reparations and used the money for massive public works programs building roads and factories so he could start rearming his military and in turn created more jobs building weapons and whatnot all this lowered the unemployment dramatically although all that was just a stop gap measure because towards the end of the war the allies had destroyed most of the factories in Germany and the depression came back
3,224 posts

right except for the whole world domination and genocide thing the nazi's were the nicest people ever lol

Lol. I hate it when people try to soud clever by saying 'but the Nazis were good because of X,Y,Z.' Its bullshit. They are definitely in the top 10 most evil fuckers of all time, possibly even top 5. Stop making them out to be misunderstood. Its not cool.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Well the Nazi were evil BUT people seem to forget what the winners did. Britain, France, Spain( I know Spain didnt take part in WWII)- Look at how they treated their colonies. Britain and France trashed their Asian, African people, Spain destroyed the natives of Latin/Central America. Britain also betrayed the cossaks even after they defected from their german masters. Read up on the Betrayal of the Cossacks. American whites discriminated against the Blacks, sent troops into other countries whom they felt were harmful to themselves and killed millions. Russians massacred their own people who wanted independance. They are indeed hypocrites. Do you think they even like Jews themselves? Look at the dreyfus affair for an example.

And what I'm trying to say is that Hitler was someone that ARYAN GERMANS look up to. And no Firefly, his spending on the military created looks of jobs. Working on arms, tanks, being soldiers. It stimulated Germany's economy. And I'm not trying to sound clever. Thats a posioning the well fallacy. I'm merely stating my viewpoint that is objected by many people. Remember, other nations like Britain, France not only sought world domination but did it through their immense Empires.

Hitler's life details should be treated with caution, well any leaders life details should be dealt with caution. Look at all the rumors/myths surrounding Bush and other US presidents!

In conclusion, History and people's opinions affected by history are a cause of the winners writing history. Was there ever Hitler's side to the story version of history? No! Mussolini's side? No!

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Thats why the thread is called seeing through their eyes. Not all Nazi are nasty. There was one even one case that a German officer saved a Lithunian mother from being killed. he said this or rather historians think he siad this. " One day we will be judged." history has judged them, but not all are bad.

912 posts

I think the nazis were at some points extremely evil but they were forced to. If you don't do what you are told then you got shot, you were a jew then you got shot. but not all agreed to this evil lifestyle, like a third of germany rebelled to hitler but the rebellion was not successful.
but now when ever people in germany hear the word hitler or fuhrer they bent their heads low.

3,224 posts

They are indeed hypocrites.

Just because other nations have done terrible things doesn't excuse the Nazis.

And no Firefly, his spending on the military created looks of jobs.

I never said it didn't. It also created WW2.

Remember, other nations like Britain, France not only sought world domination but did it through their immense Empires.

Errm pre WW1 Germany had an empire too. Plus what do you think Germany was doing throughout the 30s? The Rhineland, The Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia and then Poland?

There was one even one case that a German officer saved a Lithunian mother from being killed

You should distinguish between Nazis and Germans. Not all Germans were party members. As the Wermacht was conscripted, it was not made up of Nazi fanatics.

Personally I don't buy the line of argumant that other nations were bad too so what the Nazis did was understandable.

Anit Semitism has existed throughout history, mostly sporadic. Yet the systematic killing of the Jews, and the manner in which they were murdered distinguishes the rest of the world from the Nazis.
14,991 posts
Grand Duke

These are articles I found. Believe them if you want. I do.

14,991 posts
Grand Duke

Wait the links dont work. Sorry

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