When people hear Germany they think of hitler and WW2 and how bad the nazis were. But the question is in their point of view were they bad people? Sure they killed jews. But when your country calls you have to go. their was rebellions, but none succeful. Try to flee the country instead of serving you would be shot. Most were excited and glad of what hitler said. He was gifted in the art of speech. Jews were also thought of as the enemy of Germany, and bringing their country down. What do you think of nazis?
Thank you Mr. jonnypants. Intersting article very odd views within it.
"Hitler was a Jew from his motherâs side and his actions to found the State of Israel stemmed from his Jewish connections and came as a result of cooperation between him and Britain in light of their joint wishes to rid Europe of all Jews."
I thought Israel was part of Europe, even if it is really far away fro the continent part. I fear the Brits wouldn't want to work to closely with him either. Given the whole crazy psychopathic totalitarian dictator murderer tag put upon him.
It is true that Hitlers mother may have been a Jew. But, that does not neccesarily mean that Hitler was jewish. You do not 'inherit' a religion, you choose your own. Coincidentally, we started talking on this exact same topic in my Honers English Class today. It all starts with a stereo type that is almost always true, 'The poor blame the rich, and the rich blame the poor.' After WWI, Germany was very poor. Who do you blame if 'Everyone' is poor? You blame the ones who are slightly richer. Guess what? In the Jewish faith, knowledge is held highly. Which, in turn, means they get the slightly better jobs, which means more money. Hitler, at the time, was a Chancellor. He was highly respected, and was a very good speaker. So when he gives everyone a scapegoat, the Jews, over the years people really begin to believe that the Jewish are completely to blame. This led to Concentration Camps, an uprising. Which led to WWII.
It is true that Hitlers mother may have been a Jew. But, that does not neccesarily mean that Hitler was jewish. You do not 'inherit' a religion, you choose your own.
Well, following his own methods, he was jew. Most "jew" was not actually jewish, but had a greatgrandparent being jew. It was the "genes" he wanted to clean out, so: hello thar Hitler-oxymaron!
It is now Illegal in Germany, to be associated with groups with Nazi beliefs. It is also a crime to salute with your arm stretched straight infront of you.
And, during the war, it wasn't army personnel that carried most of the crimes against the Jewish, but it was the Leipstandarte, a Panzer division of Hitler's personal bodyguard, which did, and were allowed to escape trial, as they were close to Hitler, and Himmler. Almost all of the Regular Army was horrified by their actions.
Well hitler was almost all he hated. He wasn't alternative German. He was from Austria (Hitler abused them too) and some theories say that he was a jew (His grandfather was a jew). And some people say that he was gay too!
Jew is a Ethnoreligious term. You don't inherit the religion no but I doubt that is what Hitler cared so much about. It is the ethnicity of the Jews as a rece in their own right. Like Cenere said says it is the genes he didn't like and wanted to get rid of. I believe Hitler went two generations to determine if you were a Jew or not.
I agree fully with your statement Pixie214. It's true that you don't inherit a religion just as you would an old trunk from your grandpa or something mates.
Unfortunaltly he comited suicide by shooting himself in the mouth while simultaneously biting into a cyanide capsule.He wanted to evade capture, especially after hearing what had happened to Mussolini, and must have felt death was the best option he had.
All nazis are bad theres so many wholes in the views of nazi its mind boggoling that people believe in that shit. i read mind komf, the whole time i was, "well that dosent make sense becasue if that is true that this is true which makes this view of the nazis not true" lots wholes in there theorys.
All leading Nazi's actally in the political group Goebbels and Himmler etc or just people who lived in Germany at the time and were therefore Nazi's. Can you really say they were bad?
All leading Nazi's actally in the political group Goebbels and Himmler etc or just people who lived in Germany at the time and were therefore Nazi's. Can you really say they were bad?
true you are right the original nazi's were not bad. But i was talking about the radical nazi's. sorry should of clarified.