When people hear Germany they think of hitler and WW2 and how bad the nazis were. But the question is in their point of view were they bad people? Sure they killed jews. But when your country calls you have to go. their was rebellions, but none succeful. Try to flee the country instead of serving you would be shot. Most were excited and glad of what hitler said. He was gifted in the art of speech. Jews were also thought of as the enemy of Germany, and bringing their country down. What do you think of nazis?
iPC, you just said a mouthfull, Hitler was a man on a mission, just like the Pope if you will humor me on that, but God selects the Pope to do his work, and Hitler was just another man on a mission.
People say he is bad, but that's because you are not fully understanding his thinking, and he was doing what he saw was fit and just, and that just happened to be sending Jews to concentration camps, and having them excecuted.
And to that fellow out there that asked that since he was not arian, would I kill him? No, I would not, unless I saw fit to murder him, but I don't in anyway, so you're safe.. for now... hahaha, sorry about that part.
But Germany was on a mission, and it nearly succeeded had it not been for Allied efforts, who saw fit to destroy Germany in WWII, but that's off topic, sorry, continue.
Im not saying he had the right idea, but if you look at his past and his life, he was a true genius. Yes, he was on a holy mission. But for the most part his goal was to give Germany some recognition. After WW1, Germany was in very bad shape. Hitler saw this. took advantage and started his journey. He was orginally a painter, but moved on to better things. In his time, he would preach to locals about his ideals for the Fatherland. His speaking skills were great, and he eventually went on to talking to huge crowds. Thus, beoming the dictator of Germany. But what the main point is he took advantage of the people in rough times. I truly believe Hitler is burning in hell now as im typing this, but his life changed the world.
I have to agree with my fellow countrymen on this one, he did take advantage of people in a rough time after WWI, and he beleived that the Jews were causing all the pain to Germany, so when Hitler ascended to power, he got rid of most of the Jews
Yeah, iPC just about summed it up. You know, taking it all in perspective, Hitler was actually one of the most important people in Earth's history. Not saying what he did was right, but the impact he left influenced a LOT of decisions.
Hitler was most definently a genius the way he got into power is testiment to that. The Reichstag fire being a great point in case, who ever started it is still a mystery but regardless Hitler manages=d to use to gain more control getting the enabling act through to get rid of opposition.
The problem however is that he seemed to stagnate when he did get power. As hos reign went on he took longer and longer holidays away from Berlin. As well as weekends away refusing to see people. He would concentrate on pet projects rather than bigger issues.
True, and also, when Hitler came to power, he made quite a lot of military mistakes, and often went against his generals, and officers. Had he of listened to them, there is no doubt in my mind that the war would have kept going another 10 years or so. Just something to keep in mind, he was a genius, but he was also a man, and we all have flaws, and his was not taking military advice.
Well, Hitler was elected in free and fair elections in 1933. So don't go thinking that the German people are too innocent. Yes, he did consolidate all power to himself afterwards, but it was the German people who put him there in the first place.
I think, that being a true blooded German, that WWII was neccesary, to prove to the World that the Father Germany was not going to sit by idle, and watch the world go by.
It was an easily avoidable conflict that began because of the aggressive policies of the Nazis taking over land that did not rightly belong to them.
I personally think that Adolf had the right idea trying to wipe out the Jews, and other groups that were racially inferior, I know that sounds harsh, but America did that to the Indians that were already settled in America
Why exactly? Social Darwinism has been completely discredited, there is no evidence that Aryans are superior to any other race. Even if Germans were superior, does that give them the right to wipe out an entire race, especially in such a cold calculated manner? It was not a matter of living space as it was in America. Many German Jews were very intergrated into Germna society. Hitler made them wear armbands only once his doctors told him there were no jewish racial characteristics, as they couldnt tell german from jew on sight.
Also, Nazis brought prosperity to Germany, not many realize this, but it's true, and it created jobs for people. My grandfather fought in WWII, and he lived through it, and he told me many stories about the Nazis, and I've always liked them. Judge me or not, but the Nazis and Adolf Hitler shaped the world into a better place.
Not really. Nazi economic policies on the whole failed. Sure they lowered unemployment, but only by taking masses of Germans into state schemes that paid them less than unemployment benefit. Wages were still lower than before the depression as late as 1938. It is a myth that Hitler was a great organiser and imporoved Germany forever.
Is Hitler really a bad man? The Bible told him to kill the Jews, so he did. He truly, strongly believed that he was helping the world by wiping them out. He was a man on a mission from God. He managed to inspire others with his holy quest, and now people are saying that he is evil because he interpreted the Bible differently.
Of course he is a bad man. If you have read Mein Kampf or any history books on the subject Hitlers anti semitic views were fasr from religiously motivated. The Nazis acttually set up their own Pagan religion and discourgaed people from worshipping God and tried to make themn worship his faith based on the Sun. Doesn't exactly sound like a man on a mission from God.
Hitler was most definently a genius the way he got into power is testiment to that.
People overestimate Hitlers intelligence. If you read the book he wrote as well as many other primary sources and accounts form the time, the policies he implemented were irrational at best and lacked direction.Hitler benefitted from circumstance. In hindsight it seems what he achived was amazing, but it wasnt down to his own doing. Without the red fear and primarily the great depression he would never have got close to winning the elections. Before the depression he won a mere 2.8%. The Reichstag fire was also an important event as he used it as an excuse to get rid of many of his opponents. The President Hindenburgs death was also out of his control, but that helped him ascennd to power. If he was such a genius he would have been in power long beforehand.
you took my thoughts, and expanded on them, very clever, and also very true, as to what you said.
Not trying to sound rude but....
I didnt really take your thoughts and expand on them, I straight up disagreed with them on almost every level. I dont really see how you could agree with what i said, after saying what you did.
I have no sympathies for the Nazis, Hitler or their followers. Nazism was definitely one of the most evil ideas ever conceived by man. It is morally wrong on so many levels.
True, but what has your democracy done to help America? Your economy is in very rough shape, and you are fighting a never ending war on terrorism. Not meaning to get off topic on this, but I personally think that there is a right type of government out there, that can last the spand of time.
You weren't rude, you just showed the facts out there for everyone, which is a good thing.
True, but what has your democracy done to help America? Your economy is in very rough shape, and you are fighting a never ending war on terrorism. Not meaning to get off topic on this, but I personally think that there is a right type of government out there, that can last the spand of time.
First of all I am British not American. Second of all, what did Nazism ever do to help the German economy? Aside from starting a war which pretty much bankrupted them for the next 10 years.
The Taliban the right form of government? Maybye, if you have no regard for human and civil rights then it is ideal.
First of all... @Fritz: Democracy has served the United States very well for about 220 years.
Anyway, back to the subject. The Nazis managed to brainwash a majority of Germany's citizens into thinking that anyone who wasn't Arian was less than human. They also saw the Jews as less that animals so they were able to conduct their genocide with clear consciences.
Well excuse me than Woody, but you never said that you were British. Served it well? You blokes are in such rough economic shape right now, and you keep getting into more and more debt, if that's your definition of well, then you have low standards mate.
But back on topic, Nazis managed to conquer more land than the United States ever will