When people hear Germany they think of hitler and WW2 and how bad the nazis were. But the question is in their point of view were they bad people? Sure they killed jews. But when your country calls you have to go. their was rebellions, but none succeful. Try to flee the country instead of serving you would be shot. Most were excited and glad of what hitler said. He was gifted in the art of speech. Jews were also thought of as the enemy of Germany, and bringing their country down. What do you think of nazis?
most of the world is suffering from the american economy right now i hope you know. I wish you wouldnt brag so much fritz about your country, because the U.S. is peacekeeping the world now and making sure your sorry a$$ doesnt get blown up. Also americas never lost a war =p
True, but you have to have pride for your own homeland, am I right mate? Also, you did, when you pulled out of Vietnam, the Southern Vietnamese were over run, and thus in a round about way, you lost that war. But this is off topic, and we need to be talking about what Nazis see.
Its not just America that that is in bad economic shape, it is a global crisis. Germany is suffering too you know.
Is the amount of land conquered a measure fo a nation's greatness? America is innately against imperialism because it fought for its freedom from the British Empire. I am British and the British empire covered a quarter of the globe at its peak, yet does that make my nation any better than America or Germany? No.
Very true, the world as a whole is in rough economic shape, and it's slowely getting better over time.
Sometimes the amount of land conquered is a measure of a nation's greatness. The British empire has lasted for centuries, and then countries broke beneath them, and wanted freedom, and then revolutionary wars started up.
Sometimes the amount of land conquered is a measure of a nation's greatness.
It only shows military strength and today the unlawful occupation of other countries is condemned by UN law. The Nazis conquered a lot of land, yet 'great' is not a word I would describe them as.
XD ya of course america has nvr lost a war... other that vietnam and the one there fighting on terrorism right now... I gotta say that Americans have to much love for there own country, making them nieve and very ignorant. Honestly Germany did take more land than america ever could. I think that the Nazi's did have a great structure in battle tactics and strategies, which is how they did gain alot of land. I gotta say this too, not everyone loves america as most of u think we do.. Infact its the exact opposite, most of the world hates what you have been doing for the last 10 years.
True, America is one of the most loved and hated countries of all time. If they help you, then you love them, but if they help people that you don't like, then you hate them. But we are straying way too far off topic.
I don't know i always thought that nazies were evil and no good to the world but at the same time i am guessing that God had all of it planed even before the earth became earth.