If Adam and Eve were the first to people on this earth and make the first kids wouldn't the kids have to have it with each other? Because it couldn't be that another Adam and Eve making more kids it wouldn't techicaly be possible without one day that the kids when they grew up that they would have to do it with each other.
it should also be noted that the Bible was written in Sanskrit 2000 years ago and has been translated so many times that no info in it should be believed on authority.
it should also be noted that the official xian bible was written by non xians in order to control people through religion. The 10 commandments were really just the first laws.
Half the bible is not even official, due to the "official bible selection" thing... The most fitting parts of the bible was chosen to be in the official one.
Okay, soon going to write A-T-ists instead of atheists...
Specifically Chinese? Modification and mutation to change and adapt to surroundings, for example skin tanning would depend on conditions and sun exposure.
An odd thing I saw was some scientists working on the human genome saw that Asian people had a gen that no other human race had but Homo erectus had. Unfortunalty some disgusting scientists have taken this to imply Asians are somehow sun-human. Specific to thsi thread, however, it does contradict the Adam & Eve story.
There is alot we don't know about the begining after Adam and Eve were banned from the Garden of Eden. But we beleive that there was another woman before Eve, but she was banned.
I generally disregard all of the info in the Bible because it has so many crazy things in it. From Adam and Eve to African-Americans being a slave race birthed from the demon Hamm. The Bible justifies slavery!!! The Bible justifies mortal sin!!!!/mini-rant
I generally disregard all of the info in the Bible because it has so many crazy things in it. From Adam and Eve to African-Americans being a slave race birthed from the demon Hamm. The Bible justifies slavery!!! The Bible justifies mortal sin!!!!/mini-rant
*rolls his eyes and wonders at peoples interpretations of the bible"
anyway back on topic..Adam and Eve had 9 kids i think Cain and Abel were just the first, also incest isn't really bad. Well it is now becasue the DNA will be to close of a match so the mutations will be much more likely to be dominate causing diseases. Back then DNA had less mutations in it.
my religious beliefs involves big booms, evolution, beer and pussy and thats it.. screw the bible, screw adam, scew eve, screw god, screw the bible and screw religion! im gonna grab a beer... wonder if i have any heineken left in the fridge... XD
my religious beliefs involves big booms, evolution, beer and ***** and thats it.. screw the bible, screw adam, scew eve, screw god, screw the bible and screw religion! im gonna grab a beer... wonder if i have any heineken left in the fridge... XD