hey just finshed grade 10 history and i found it amzingly, SICK world war 1 and 2 were so, different then what i though they would have been like, any comments?
the main fall of hitler was first letting 250 tousand soldiers get out at dunkirk, then he stopped bombing britain airfields and bombed citys when a bomb was dropped on berlin, which lost him the battle of britain, THEN he sent troops into russia, and russia is huge, russian winter swallowed most of his troops and the rest were crushed eventually, then the push to berlin cam from britain, france (regained) and of course russia, japan was not involved and neither was the US, the battle of japan was totally different.
Hey orion, I'm back. Yeah I'm pretty sure D-Day was the day that The Allied Nations invaded Berlin, leading to Hitler committing suicide, leading to loss of Nazi troops' will to keep fighting, leading to the surrender of the Nazi troops, leading to the end of the European part of WWII. Geez, that was kind of a long sentence.
Hitler wasn't really in charge at the time of his suicide he was cut off from evrywhere else in a bunker in Berlin. I doubt the troops would have heard anything till days later.
Well done Orion D-Day was indeed the Normandy landings. THe "Battle of Berlin" was well the battle in Berlin.
p.s. what exactly is this thread about I am alittle confused.
Ok I have one. Should the U.S. have dropped the atomic bombs "Little Boy" and "Fat Man" on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? I think this is a good debate question and I hope we'll all support our answers.
Personally I thinkit was wrong to drop the bomb. Yes the alternative was sendind millions of troops resulting in many deaths but using the bomb was little more than an experiment. They did it to see what would happen and little else. Japan was already on its lnees with little more than its honour and tradition from preventing it from surrendering.