hey just finshed grade 10 history and i found it amzingly, SICK world war 1 and 2 were so, different then what i though they would have been like, any comments?
True. The U.S. already had an effective means of bombing which I believe was called fire bombing, where the planes dropped capsules with like goop, don't remember what it was exactly, then dropped the real bombs, which, when it was done, killed more people than the atomic bomb drop. Since the military of Japan was taking control of things, though, they had trained the citizens to be kamikaze fighters down to the last person. The plan was called something like the Broken Gem or something, where, since historically, Japan had never lost a battle, when they lost in WWII, some in the government thought that every Japanese inhabitant had to die. With the 1-2 punch of the atomic bombs, the emperor finally surrendered. Some people say that we should have dropped one an uninhabited island off the coast of Japan to show the power of it, but even when dropped on densely populated areas, it still took the two left after the Trinity Test to make Japan surrender. Granted, we only had 3 days between the two bombings, some other people say we did this to avoid having the Soviet Union interfere in Asia, for we feared they would spread Communism to Asia, which they did to China later during the Cold War, but that's a different story. Personally, I could argue on both sides, but since it's already happened I lean a little more towards dropping them since it ended WWII, and made it a decisive victory so we wouldn't lead to another consecutive war like WWI-WWII. A big reason WWII happened was because there was no clear winner or loser, and battle fronts were left scattered across the Western European countries. The U.S. wanted to make sure something like that wouldn't happen again.
Of course there was a clear winner in WWI. Germany made a final push got ahead of their supplies frittered out and were pushed back to Berlin. Treaty of versailles etc. As for the dropping of the bomb to stop Russia going into Asia I think its doubtful. Russia was already pretty heavily into pushing on the Eastern front and wouldn't have wanted to fight in the east as well as the west. as Germany found out fighting on two fronts doesn't work.
Yeah, it's hard to split one's troops like that, especially against an army that has rules that if there troops surrender, they will be killed or imprisioned.
But Germany got way ahead of their supply lines, and that was a major downfall of their glorious empire they were making.
Well If it was a question of lives I would say we should of but morally no because many of the generations who were bombed have radiation poisening messing up thier lives
Personally, I believe that the US was right in dropping Little Boy and Fat Man. When the US captured Okinawa and Iwo Jima, the casualties were in the millions. And these were just two islands. If the US had used a land attack on mainland Japan, the casualties could have been in the billions. (Hypothetically). Also, the Japanese followed Bushito, or the way of the Samurai. Bushito said that surrender was the highest form of disgrace. Also, the Japanese had taken up Kamikaze attacks. They sunk over 20 US battleships, including at least 3 aircraft carriers.
if any one was stupid enough to attack the U.S. thats the end of humanity
That was the funniest thing I have heard today.
Sounds to me like the U.s. dropped the bomb becasue they wer scared of facing Japan like a man and attacking it properly so they went for the easy option of nuking them.
But I think the only countries to have actually fought the US on American soil are Japan, Mexico and Britain. I'm probably wrong, but those three are the only ones I can remember.