Recently on T.V. I saw news about Nadya Suleman, the mother of octuplets. Later, I saw an interview about the whole situation and she is unemployed and on welfare. She also has 6 other children. Even before she had the octuplets, she was unemployed and on welfare.
What are your thoughts on this?
For me, I think that she is downright irresponsible. She wasn't even out of college yet, but she continued to have children. Could she possibly have a mental problem? Why would you want to have a bunch of children when you know that you cannot support them? What kind of example would this set for the kids? Isn't it bit selfish? From a Catholic prospective (me being a catholic I decided that I might address this, If you are an Aethiest or do not believe in God, you don't have to respond to this part if you don't want to.) Nadya said that she thought that these children were a gift from God, yet she had conceived these children through in vitro fertilization and from my understanding she had a fertility issue. If she had a fertility issue in the first place, why would the children be a gift from God? So was she really meant to have these babies? Or was it just our human technology playing that made it possible?
I think foster adoption is terrible. Orphanages are for orphans my friends. So it would be better to leave the children in hands of relatives. That mother is crazy.
Agent.......Dude........for gods sake, I was eating..........
That picture is horrifyingly absurd! Like Lil_GaNgSta_BlAzE I was shocked. I hope that isn't posted again anywhere on AG. That was TMZ, I HATE TMZ! Sneaky paparazzi...
I totally agree with Steevo15. I also, am a Catholic. The Catholic Church does not condone any kind of invitro-fertilization. In fact, it is against the Catholic Church to have this kind of procedure. When she said that it was " a gift from God", how can a medical procedure, be a gift from God. It's against nature. I think that this woman needs serious help. Nobody, in their right mind, would go to a fertilty clinic, when they already had six children. What was her doctor thinking? Now, I know that she has a website, where she is asking for money. I know there are a lot of people who will feel sorry for her, and donate money. To those people, I will just ask one favor. Before you donate to her website, would you consider the homeless and the hungry that we have in our country. This woman chose to get herself in the situation that she is in. She is already receiving a lot o money per month for three of her children, who are disabled. She has no job, but she thought that bringing eight more children into the world was a good idea. We have millions of Americans, who had no choice. Feeding America's Hungry, Pine Street Inn, Christian Appalachian, just to name a few, are all really worthy charities, that deserve your attention, and if you also find them worthy, your donations could change someone's life. Please don't let the hype of this woman's story, cloud your judjement. We reap what we sow. Please, let's help the poorest of the poor, before we give money to someone, who freely chose to have 14 children, with no way to take care of them, and no worry about the consequenses of her actions.
stupid mother and she dosent need 1 kid let alone 14. she was irrisponible. those kids arre just going to get put into the system.. absolutley horrible situation
For me, I think it is acceptable to use artificial procedures such as IVF to help couples who want to children and can provide those children with enough support but they have problems which prevent them from doing that. The octuplet mother though, already had enough children, barely was able to support for the children she already had and enlisted in the help of artificial methods just to get eight children. This is odd.
do you know what octuplet MEANS? its not like she had them one by one, they were all born at once, and by some odd mirical survived, so she probly was not to blame, its COLLEGE! ever heard the saying...
"theres a time and a place for everything and its called college"
Personally I have no problem with welfare, or with someone desperately wanting a child, but financial issues aside, having this many children seriously limits this woman's capability to care for them all. Unless she can magically split her attention between 14 children, when the max recommended number for a single mother is two then it is highly likely these children will be inseceure in later life, due to developmental disabilities. To stop things like this happening again, there should be some form of legislation limiting the numbers of children single parents are allowed to have through legislation.
It is a mental problem, she has this huge urge to have children. It was in an interview. And personally, we should not meddle in her affairs, it's her choice, and since she loves children so much why stop her? Though I must say she shouldn't have so many, they wont have enough attention and love. Those poor kids... But on the plus side, she can now form a baseball team, have enough players for a basketball game and reserves. And no one will want to bully the kids with 7 other brothers and sisters. Just that the welfare they receive may be inadequate, leading to a whole host of problems.