TV's and other devices like cell phones and microwaves all emit a form of radiation called EMF waves.
They don't exactly melt you're brain, but they do damage them greatly. The EMF waves have been linked to cancer and brain tumors.
In one study, a women had a brain tumor the exact size and shape of her cell phone antennae, and it was located in the spot where her antennae is parallel to her head when she talked on the cell phone. They have been other cases similar to this reported.
The only way to deal with this that i know of is these little chips that you stick on the devices and they basically "harmonize" the waves to a point where they are not deadly anymore. There are a bunch of companies that make them, but the biggest one and the one my family uses is BioPro.
So yeah...i have heard my talk about it enough that i knew that ^^
Not counting the damaging EMF waves that ricador mentioned, it depends on what they are watching. If there is a 6 year old watching Saw 4, then that is not good, but if that child is watching, say, discovery channel, then there is no problem (unless they go into dolphin mating...ewwwww).
I think you hit the nail on its head thisisnotanalt, How i dont think the 6yr olds brain will "melt" when watching Saw, however that kid could get psycoticly destressed and would be in need of counseling.
Well if you take out the radiation facts which comrade Ricador pointed out, it depends on what you're doing on your TV. If you're watching television, you are a passive user simply taking in information that is being displayed to you. The rest depends on what youâre watching be it propaganda, documentaries, factional cartoons, ect ect. If youâre playing video games, your brain is forced to do some problem solving and in strategy games like online chess can be a nice exerciser for your IQ. But there is the chance one can suffer from epileptic seizers from certain patterns the graphics make for the brain to process.
EMF on a very high freq does dmg cells thats true but phone's TV ect emit lower freq of EMF waves wich are harmless. Those Neutralisers you where talking about are rubbish Ricador they dont block the waves they only flash a LED. I strongly believe that its mostly salesman talk just to sell those "blockers".
Now, children watching things that are not good for them does melt their brains. Anyway, TV is still good since there are those educational channels. A child watching dolphins mating isn't good though. About the radiation from electronics, it is unavoidable and you can take some measures against them but there is no magical device which eliminates radiation. It is a sales scam.
if tvs melt your brains then computers do to, i guess it's too late for you now!
it's good if you watch educational tv (AAAHH!!!) i know it sounds horrible but just watch the sci channel, history channel, or discovery channel... you'll be amazed
it's good if you watch educational tv (AAAHH!!!) i know it sounds horrible but just watch the sci channel, history channel, or discovery channel... you'll be amazed
Follow what Graham said. Educational TV is not boring like some people think it is. Why would they show a man eating frogs, camel testicles etc. and surviving in inhospitable places on Discovery Channel if it was boring?