He was actually dubbed 'the walrus' by the press of the time for obvious reasons. Still I would love to rock that tache.
Hitler did good in miraculously restoring Germany's economy and military strength
It wasn't sp much down the Hitler's economic policies. Germany was still heavily reliant on US loans.
In addition, when you look at the aims of the Nazis with regards to their MEPOs(Macroeconomic Policy Objectives) their aim to become a self sufficient autarky largely failed, and as a result, their shortage of oil was a deciding factor in the outcome of WW2.
so you can't really blame them for not wanting to act as an international police force.
Still, Chamberlain's policies of appeasement for example the mUnich conference were generally regarded as a faliure. Even as late as 1936 Germany's military was extremely weak. For example, during the annexation of the Rhineland Hitler gave explicit orders for them to retreat if there was any resistance as his military was still poorly equipped and trained in comparison with the future allies. It is generally accepted among modern historians that if the allies stood up to Hitler, he would have backed down.
I can certainly see why Britian and France did not want to stand up against him, but again relating this back to Hitler, surely that proves it was more their faliure than Hitler's intelligence?
the need for more power is what drove him into declaring war with USSR,
Hitler's power lust was a factor. Although I would say it is more down to his ideological policies than anything else. He associated the Bolsheviks and the Communists mainly because of discovery of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in Russia and the fact many leading Bolsheviks were Jews eg Trotsky. His desire to solve the Jewish question lead to a policy being formulated, that Germany would push into Russia annexing the land in front of the Ural mountains. Then he planned to deport all 11 million of Europe's Jews over the urals and into Siberia. There is a lot of evidence, pertaining to the Holocaust that supports the view that ideology was of tantamount importance to Hitler.
Yes, yes he did. I don't agree with his beliefs, but he has a right to his own beliefs. Not long before the German-Soviet war, an anti-communism pact between Germany and Japan was initialed. His anti-semitic views were not emphasized until later on.
To me racism implies ignorance not intelligence. Just because he had conviction does not mean he was intelligent.
His anti semitic views were rather important. One of the main reasons the Holocaust only started when it did was because of international opinion. In fact when grassroots anti semitism broke out sporadically at a local level during the 30s, he condemned the action to not fall out of favourr internationally. At the 1936 Olympics, the Germans included a token Jew in their team to show they weren't anti semitic. All anti semitic posters were taken down too.
Honestly, Hitler was a great, Chrismatic leader who brought Germany to one of the poorest countrys to a superpower in a few years, which is extremly hard to belive. Although some of the things he did were stupid....He was like a genius that was close to Insanity except he wasent really a genuis, but he wasent stupid either. In my Opinion he did some Great things and some horrible things, and i think the horrible things outweigh the great things and therefore he was a terrible person, who killed thousands of people and declared WW11.
It wasn't sp much down the Hitler's economic policies. Germany was still heavily reliant on US loans.
In addition, when you look at the aims of the Nazis with regards to their MEPOs(Macroeconomic Policy Objectives) their aim to become a self sufficient autarky largely failed, and as a result, their shortage of oil was a deciding factor in the outcome of WW2.
He at least, managed to drag Germany out of it's economic depression, only to screw it up again in WW2.
Hitler himself was great in successfully fighting so many enemies in WWII and getting Germany out of it's depression. Also, how could Hitler convince and enforce his crazy ideology?
The bad thing however is that he was not rational and somewhat insane, he had crazy ideological beliefs and he was racist.
I think Hitler was an Intelligent man, but he didn't knew the history. Every country (Roma, Turkey, etc.) witch wanted to control the world, failed. And Russia: Napoleon failed too in Russia. Russians keep losing in the summer, but in the Russian winter, they are unbeatable.
But he made his country that strong in 21 years (after the other countries forced to pay money), to control 3/4 Europe. He was a genius.
He was lucky with the Germans. Look at the history. After the WWI, they could start an another war 21 years later, and control 3/4 Europe. After the WWII, they got a lots of punishment, their country was in 2 pieces, and now they are one of the "largest countries".
Hitler wasn't that dumb, but too obsessed with might, and hate for jews. He was a genius in woI as a corporal, and a genius in getting leader of Germany. He could've easily won if he wouldn't attack Russia. He won nearly everywhere except in Russia, if he spared the men at the Russian border for England he could've ruled quite a big part of the world much faster.
In my opinion Hitler was a troubled soul who didn't know how to handle problems that came his way. Instead of learning from his hardship, struggles, loss and disposition he chose to take it out on an entire nation. His efforts were in vain because I don't think he ever truly felt content. Yes he took revenge on the Jews because they led lavish lifestyles and seeing their downfall made him some what more assertive of himself but by killing them he gained nothing he didn't pursue his dream of becoming an artist and he ended up killing himself. He became too consumed in envy which led to an obsession which is usually caused by trying to heal deep wounds using all the wrong methods. In all his pictures you can see by looking in his eyes how tortured he is. I know what he did was terrible but in a way I feel sorry for him.