President Obama told congressional leaders Thursday he's planning to pull all combat troops out of Iraq by August 2010, which falls short of his campaign promise to bring all combat forces home within 16 months, so its a good 19 months from his inaugeration date.
I wonder what will happen to iraq after the us troops leave.
Well, I think Iraq could probably fail and weaken or it could recover from those many years under Saddam Hussein. Actually, the Iraqis want the US troops to leave earlier but I think 2011 will be a good time.
Good luck with all your promisies Obama -_- He just sent I believe the number is 100,000 soldiers to Iraq. But of course you don't hear this on any news channle but FOX.
Good luck with all your promisies Obama -_- He just sent I believe the number is 100,000 soldiers to Iraq. But of course you don't hear this on any news channle but FOX.
Seriously, do some fact checking before posting. He sent 10,000 soldiers to Afghanistan, which is exactly what he said he would do. I swear...
Seriously, do some fact checking before posting. He sent 10,000 soldiers to Afghanistan, which is exactly what he said he would do. I swear...
Agreed. Some of us pubi's are taking it to far with accusations...
I actually agree with Obama's plan for the Middle East.I think he is doing what Bush would have done. Removed the bulk of the troops because they are no longer needed, but leave a sizable amount so the security force/military does not collapse.
It took careful planning. And great, we actually agree on things, Riccy! =P
Obama basically left where Bush left off, and set the pull back date sooner. They are still fighting it out to defend and make sure Anarchy doesn't get a hold of it, but they are mainly there to train the Iraqi police forces, and then some.
I will be shocked if the troops are out by Dec 11, 2011. The only withdrawl the US has ever made is in Vietnam, and that's because congress cut off funding and the Vietcong were too powerful. I can guarantee that the troops are staying much longer.
Probably will, but not that much of a delay. They all wanted DTV to be in February '09, but they changed the date to June. Of course the date is going to be changed, but this is just an estimate to when the troops will be pulled back ; we can't know for sure.
Not sure how DTV relates at all to war, but I see where you're coming from.
But honestly, we still have troops in Germany and Japan because of WWII. WWII ended 64 years ago and we still have troops stationed there. If anyone believes that we are leaving Iraq for good, think again.
Not sure how DTV relates at all to war, but I see where you're coming from
Just a basic simile =)
I agree with you there. Something tells me we don't really trust other nations....
We probably will stay there, but not for war reasons, just there for economical and urban support. Think of it as how we are in Germany and Japan now, and think of that in Iraq in the later future.