Mary (Jesus's mom)was visited by an angel he told her she would have a baby and that she would name him Jesus and he would be the son of God. She asked how could this be I am only a vigin. He said It was from God. When she told Joseph he thouht she had sinned against him by being pregnet but he alslo got visited the next night in a dream. He was todl to mary Mary. Sorry I forgot to put in parenthesess and corect punctuation.
Lulztypo. -------- Jesus. . .was a great peson. He was ahead of his time. He was peaceable. He was articulate. He was a regular human being in every sense of the word.
yakkoza how is that hard to beleive. it looks like you dont beleive in miracls. it might seem imposible but you just have to have faith in God and yourself.
What I meant was did Mary and Joseph have kids later.
Matthew 12:46 [ Jesus' Mother and Brothers ] While Jesus was still talking to the crowd, his mother and brothers stood outside, wanting to speak to him
There is substantial evidence attesting to Jesus being a real person, not just from the new testament, but from Jewish writers; Josephus (Remember, Jews opposed to his claim as the son of God) and the Roman historian Tacitus (who is attributal to essentially all of what we know about the roman empire from written evidence). Archealogical evidence also remains consistant with the context of these writings.
No mainstream scholar (Christian or non-Christian) refutes that Jesus was a real person. The clinch point is whether the reliability of evidence regarding the attestation of the performed miracles is substantial.
Additional writings from around the time (writen by non-believers) interestingly confirm that Jesus did perform these miracles, but they simply attributed them to 'mere sorcery'.
The Christian faith is unlike anything else for its basis in history. The gospels were written within a lifetime of Jesus living, and the earliest manuscripts of these are within 50 years of Jesus' lifetime (and todays bible is made from a translation of these manuscripts - so there is no evolution of the text over time). This is such a serious topic, and demands to be taken seriously. Don't assume, find out.
i dont know if mary had kids later. i did not say anything in the bibl(that i know of) that she did.
Sometims when the bible says "Brother" or "Sister" they mean non realetives. Because if you say follow me in my religion your called a Broter. so that s what i think it means othr opinions will happen.
I was researching it in the bible and I think it was saying somethin like Jude the just was his brother. Also who was his cousin's name I forgot it was elizabeth's son.
Jesus was a "scientist" His miracles were merely the early beginnings of the science practice. this is ofcourse my interpretation of the bible's Jesus.
I'm confused. Exactly which of his miracles did you consider science? Walking on water, rising form the dead, raising the dead? If you don't believe he actually did these things, that's one thing, but I doubt anybody could trick someone into thinking they were performing miracles like these.
um there have been cases of where people have risen from the dead, in effect they are medically declared "zombies"
The use of Fugu poison (puffer fish) allows the body to "die" but if the neurotoxin is given in the correct amount, the person may wake from their death.
walking on water is also possible, as you can see water striders do it all the time. They can use surface tension, or some really sick illusion tricks.
The bible says that eating from the tree of knowledge causes death and disease. It makes clear that
knowledge, logic, reason = communism = evil
I don't think that Jesus knew about all this stuff, and who would have applied the neurotoxin to him? Remember this was around the red/med seas, mostly freshwater.
Basically, Jesus did not know about that stuff, therefore he did not know how to perform the miracles, therefore, he did not perform miracles.
Is there any evidence of Jesus besides what is written in the Bible?
Certainly that's not the lesson you've taken from the story, is it? The knowledge, logic, and reason wasn't what was wrong, but the disobeying of God who said not to eat from the tree was wrong. True, there was no need for it in a perfect world, but now that it is not perfect, we've created knowledge, logic, and reason. Keep in mind that when the serpant said they would be like gods and know what is good and bad, it was because they were good, would become bad by disobeying God, and see the difference. In so doing, they alienated themselves from God, themselves, and other people. The lesson is to obey God, not to empty your mind.
Basically, Jesus did not know about that stuff, therefore he did not know how to perform the miracles, therefore, he did not perform miracles.
What? Why wouldn't he know about this stuff? Unless you mean that he used logic and reason to show others why they should ocnvert, in which case I have given you the real message of the tree of knowledge.
Is there any evidence of Jesus besides what is written in the Bible?