I'm certain there is some of his existence, but my internet is being crappy and slow right now, so I'll have to get back to you or read a book or something. Of his miracles, probably not, because they were one-time events that were only recorded in the Bible (if you believe in him, that is).
There is proof of God because how do you think lakes and animals and humans came around
How is "everything" the universe etc. proof of God. I'm not good at analogies but isn't that like saying milk is proof of cows. It is one possible origin but but on the face of it you can't say exactly what happened.
Milk does not always come from cows. Goats and other animals.
Sorry That's what someone said at school I just looked it up and I was wrong.They said that Jesus was the creater and God was like observing and stuff so nevermind that.
Of all the ideologies, communism is probably one of the most compatible with Christian teachings, egalitarianism and all that. How you jump from knowledge to communism is something I fail to see.
I agree with Firefly, not because he's probably one of the few who has a lick of common sense, but because the communism ideal is compatible with Christian teachings of sharing with others. But as we know, if everyone was equal in a society, then there would be a lack of incentive to work. That would lead to the downfall of a society.