Ok heres the deal. There are so many mock/aspiring political parties on Armor Games. Iv'e seen Communist Party, Conservative Party etc But I've yet to see a Fascist one. ( If there is one, well my apologies).
Now moving on to why Im a supporter of Fascism. I don't mean the kind where anti-semitics go around killing innocent Jews. I'm talking Fascism Franco and Mussolini style. Intense nationalism, control of the people (after all, all governments do don't they?), and military might to show you mean business. All the pomp and grandeaur. Oh and censorship of unwanted political material. ( Trust me all forms of government do it in one way or another.) And best of all, Capitalism is accpeted and embraced.
Now I don't want to be labelled a Nazi lover or an intense anti-semitic. In fact I respect them, for all the suffering they have been true and their courage. I believe in equality for all races, except the Martians. Oh yeah and Adam Sandler always cracks me up. To clarify, Fascism does not equal to anti-semitism or hatred of any other race. Hitler hated non-Aryans but Hitler does not equal to Fascism. Mussolini was the founder of modern Fascism.
So if there is no mock up 'Fascist party' on AG I'll create one. If this post does not belong here, scrap it and I'll post it on the tavern.
Anyone offended by this material especially Germans, I do not want hatemail/insults/death threats etc. I am not aiming in creating a Fourth Reich or start a mass genocide.
Well learn to spell the term Fascist properly first *rolls eyes*. And feel disgust for all you want, Im more disgusted by ex-colonial powers than Fascist regimes.
If you really want to learn more about Fascism, look at some other regime other than Nazi Germany. That's all I can say to reduce possible narrow-mindedness.
Let me clarify something, you said this in your opening post:
. I'm talking Fascism Franco and Mussolini style. Intense nationalism, control of the people (after all, all governments do don't they?), and military might to show you mean business.
So it seems clear that you admire fascism in the style of Mussolini and Franco. Yet you also said this:
Im more disgusted by ex-colonial powers than Fascist regimes.
This makes it clear that you are more disgusted by the actions of colonial powers. May I remind you that Franco sought to retain his colonies throughout his rule.
It seems your beliefs are contradictory. You cannot claim to despise colonialism and love fascism, when the two leaders you most admire attempted to build or retain their colonial empires.
I hate colonialism on a big scale, like the empires of Britain and France who controlled like almost 1/2 the globe. Anyway, Italy's empire was taken away after WWII, and Spain's empire was pathetic.
And admiring a politician does not mine loving all his policies. Like for an example I like Obama's health policies but not his economic ones. Similiarly, I like the militaristic ways of Fascists if they do not use it on other states. I support militaristic build up as a defense for ones country. After all I do hail from a rather small country, surrounded by neighbours who do not appreciate the 4 million of us all the time. 'Little red dot' hint hint.
I hate colonialism on a big scale, like the empires of Britain and France who controlled like almost 1/2 the globe. Anyway, Italy's empire was taken away after WWII, and Spain's empire was pathetic.
If Mussolini had had his way he would have owned an empire just as large as Britain or France. Just because he was not successful at creating an empire does not mean he did not aspire to do so. The same goes for Franco. In addition, Spain's empire was far from pathetic, for an exrtended period, they ruled over much of South America.
And admiring a politician does not mine loving all his policies. Like for an example I like Obama's health policies but not his economic ones.
A major part of your defence of fascism is your claim that imperialist powers are just as bad, if not worse than fascist regimes, but due to the bias of the western media etc, fascism is condemned, unfairly so. However this argument falls down when you realise the extent and extremity of these policies. Nationalism plays a big role in fascism, and so subjugation of other nations ties in with this quite nicely.
*mean. And yes of course I know about Ethiopia and the new Roman Empire. Im not a simpleton.
Then how can you claim that fascist regimes have the high ground with regards to imperialistic aims when they are just as bad as Britain or France. Just because it wasn't on as large a scale, doesn't mean they didn't aspire to be.
Fascism also promotes extreme Nationalism. I have no problem with patriotism. But nationalism is dangerous. It pretty much denies that there is anything wrong with the country. No country is perfect. Once a group of people think they are perfect, they de-humanize others. Nationalism leads to racism, leads to hate, leads to death.
In the United States I believe that we need both Liberals an Conservitives. The two parties keep each other in check an make sure not one political party gains control over the nation.
Also I agree with thelistman, Nationalism is like an anchor for a nation it make them ignore not fix flaws with their country.
In the United States I believe that we need both Liberals an Conservitives. The two parties keep each other in check an make sure not one political party gains control over the nation.
What's the difference between Reps and Dems though? Both support Corporate welfare while screwing the little guys. They support corporations outsourcing to third world nations where they can pay the people insanely low wages, and stop paying high American salaries.
"Democrats...Republicians..*Flicks dime in air then catches it looks at it an says*..Theres not a dimes bit of diffrence.*Throws dime in lake an walks off*
To tell koolface the truth, the Allies did not die defending my country for Democracy. They defended the country as it was their key trading post in the East, a 'Bastion of the East' that if they lost, would shame them. Losing to a Eastern Power see. It was never an issue of democracy. Just wealth and reputation.
Firstly, nationalism is not wrong, if you do have an edge over other countries. But the biggeest flaw in all your arguments is that it leads to racism which is totally unfounded in some forms of fascist governments. Mussolini once said that, race was just a feeling, that the creation of a biologically superior race was impossible and that Hitler was a gramaphone, playing seven tunes, including racism which after he finished, would start again. In fact, when he handed over Jews to Germans, the rest of his party and his people started to get very pissed with him. He had Jews in his party.
And most of all, this quote, that he said about Jews. He said that 'since the days of the Kings of Rome' there had always been a 'small contigent' and should be left undisturbed.
Moving on to Franco. He scrapped an edict stating that Jews could not stay in Spain. He opened Spain's borders to jews during WWII, refused to hand over any Jews to Hitler during WWII.
If you guys think I refer to fascism as in Nazism, I can do nothing because the Nazi were really racists.
Plus I did not get facts from just wikipedia alone.