The idea started about a year ago that the world will end in 2012. My friends told me about this documentary called 'Decoding the past' that talked about how everything leads up to December 22nd 2012 and now a lot of movies are talking about fictitious ends and preventions. Even 2012 "the movie" is coming to say how some could survive this 'cataclysm'. I believe that the government is just psyching up the population, so that they are easier to control.
Causes: Lets see their is Yellowstone blowing but that isn't big enough. Geo magnetic reversal is pretty bad. But I doubt much will happen (huge meteorite forbidding) till the sun expands. And that will take a few billion years to happpen.
I say that anyone who makes a prediction has no credibility. The world will end when it ends. So, to Flagg, the world could end in our lifetime. To johnnypants23, you don't know that. To any person who thinks that the world will or won't end in 2012, you are making an assumption. A broad one. We just don't know. And we won't know until moments before the Apocalypse when the Apocalypse is coming. The people who write the world ending in 2012 are just as bad as the f'ed up doomsayers who are screaming for the Apocalypse because we JUST DON'T KNOW.
First of all, the date is supposed to be December 21st, 2012, not the 22nd. Second, this didn't start a year ago, it started much longer before then. Third, the reason why this is so compelling is that many cultures across the world including the Chinese and Mayans seperately came up with the same date for the end of the world, that is what makes it so fascinating.
Lastly, who cares? If the world is going to end then supposedly we'll be seeing the obvious signs in the behavior of the planet within 18 months, and if it isn't, I'll be working on getting my Masters in college. I'm not going to live my life assuming that it is going to happen. There have been dozens of claims that the world is going to end (granted none that I know of on this scale), and they were all wrong.
Whenever I hear "end of the world" it reminds me of a poem by Robert Frost:
SOME say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what Iâve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To know that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice.
Maybe world will end in a burning flames of a disaster or maybe it will just slowly die.
Long answer: Ever since the beginning of time people have wanted world to end and thousands of people have said it will end on this day or this year. They were all wrong. People are saying that there are signs that the world is going to end. Any bad thing that happens can be a sign. I mean there is always been war going on, thereâs always been starvation. So why dont why stop saying the world is going to end because of war, or famine, or climate change. Why dont we try to stop it?
Yes the World does end, sun explodes etc... we collide with a galaxy nearby all that is true but doesn't happen at least for hundreds of millions of years.