ForumsArt, Music, and WritingTo speak in riddles and rhymes!

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5,043 posts

Today I share a new and abnoxious fad
A way we can drive others insanely mad!
To speak in constant riddles and rhymes
Fun can be had to pass these boring times.
So go out all over the community and say
What it is you must in a poetic way!
If one asks of you to cease and to stop
Say to them and say in this way-

"Why not?
It is only a rhyme
I am me
As you can see
So let me be
For I am free!"

And if they pursist in that your rhymes end
To them this is the message to send

"Oh, what a pity to end such ploys
Oh, how shall I find new joys?
The sadness you bring me puts me down
I must move on and speak no sound"

If they continue to complain and pursist
Simply remember they don't exist
Ignore them and don't give them a breath of your air
Continue to rhyme as much as you dare.

It is the poetry that we seek
For we are poets, The Poets of True Speak!

  • 33 Replies
10,816 posts

To all people who wish to speak in riddles and rhymes on the forums:

While it may be fun, make sure you at least keep your meaning clear else the purpose of posting becomes lost.

And I will get irritated and start locking many more threads that I should need to.

I've refrained from speaking in rhymes to convey to you how important I consider this.

14,990 posts
Grand Duke

The idea is to rhyme other than here
But I see my idea was not clear
But if you continue to go off topic
This thread, I'm afraid, I will have to lock it!

Rhyme other then here?
Your sentence was not clear.
Explanations are needed,
Twas was how Nich pleaded.
5,043 posts

Nobody really got the point of this thread. If you can't rhyme without adding some nonsence word to fill in the void (so you can finish a line with a rhyme) then it is best not to rhyme at all, at least not in the forums. It seems half the members understand this, and the other half doesn't.

Feel free to rhyme wherever you want but keep it on topic. I am not pushing this idea foreword anymore.

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