It looks like CNN has to find a better way to attract more veiwers. I honistly didn't think CNN told the whole truth so I always wachted FOX NEWS .And I guess alot of other people are doing the same thing.
Sad thing is, Fox News is so absolutely biased that there isn't a bunch of value in watching Fox News except for Bill O'Reilly contradicting himself and getting all red in the face. XD
What I'm saying is that Fox News is too biased towards the conservative side, and they distort the news like LSD distorts the Three Stooges. XD ----------- I don't watch Fox. . .but that goes without saying at this point lol.
Sad thing is, Fox News is so absolutely biased that there isn't a bunch of value in watching Fox News except for Bill O'Reilly contradicting himself and getting all red in the face. XD
I agree. I honestly do not think that Fox News is an accurate or intelligent way to get your news, to be honest. They are incredibly biased, and try to get viewers by choosing obnoxious hosts that harass the few intelligent people that they can actually get to come on their shows. It's sad that they are on top. It makes me lose a little hope in America when I hear people are taking Fox News honestly.
I agree. I honestly do not think that Fox News is an accurate or intelligent way to get your news, to be honest. They are incredibly biased, and try to get viewers by choosing obnoxious hosts that harass the few intelligent people that they can actually get to come on their shows. It's sad that they are on top. It makes me lose a little hope in America when I hear people are taking Fox News honestly.
Sort of like on Hannity and Colmes. They drove away the brains behind the show (Colmes) ad now it's just another broadcast of a biased old warmongering hawk yelling at us that Obama's a terrorist. It's sad, really. They so vehemently distort the news. Instead of saying "Obama is putting together a new housing plan," they say stuff like 'Guess what? Barack Obummer is finding another way to destroy America!" It's quite solemnizing.
They so vehemently distort the news. Instead of saying "Obama is putting together a new housing plan," they say stuff like 'Guess what? Barack Obummer is finding another way to destroy America!" It's quite solemnizing.
They just try to spin everything in a direction that they think will make it more interesting. They misquote, spin the stories, harass guests, whatever it will take to make it look more interesting so that people will watch. And the sad thing is, it works!
I love how Fox news is the only nationwide news station whos standing up for right. The only thing I can trust at CNN , and other news staion is there weather -_- Also Im so happy that the only news stion that lets conservitives talk is fox!Isn't that kind of wiered how no other nationwide radio + tv staion let conservitives talk open mindly.
They just try to spin everything in a direction that they think will make it more interesting. They misquote, spin the stories, harass guests, whatever it will take to make it look more interesting so that people will watch. And the sad thing is, it works!
Funny thing., that Bill O'Reilly (I think it is him. . .) calls his show a "no-spin zone." Scary, really. Saying that if something is biased to them then it's not spun. Also, I noticed that they treat people like Rush Limbaugh like some sort of reincarnation of Jesus, but when any sort of politician that comes along that isn't basically the perfect arhcetype for a puppet of theirs, they label that person as the AntiChrist. --------- Fox News is more like Hell's Kitchen than a news channel; it's an angry old man yelling at hapless people to get more views. The entire place is built on schadenfreude. I'm very disappointed in Fox News.
That's kind of a paradox since conservatives aren't very open minded at all.
Start listing to the radio more often -_-
Limbaugh like some sort of reincarnation of Jesus, but when any sort of politician that comes along that isn't basically the perfect arhcetype for a puppet of theirs, they label that person as the AntiChrist.
Funny for you too mention Anti christ...You librals and democrats (some democrats) act like obama is a God of some kind.And some are referring him as the anti christ.
I'm very disappointed in Fox News.
So why are you disipionted? You made no sense right there....
1st: I'm a political moderate who just so happens to strongly disdain Fox News. ------ I don't think of Obama as a god, he's just an articulate president. --------- I'm disappointed in them because they fool people into thinking what they're getting is actual news. Tabloid journalism at it's finest. I'm disappointed because Fox News isn't news; it's a kaleidoscope that just distorts what facts they get into a bullet to fire straight into the metaphorical head of their next target. ---------
*spelling Nazi kicks in* correct spelling is: disappointed. Tsk tsk tsk.
They just try to spin everything in a direction that they think will make it more interesting. They misquote, spin the stories, harass guests, whatever it will take to make it look more interesting so that people will watch. And the sad thing is, it works!
They're standing up for the right wing, and standing on everybody else.
Just like CNN, MSN, and NBC are doing for the left am I correct? Yes I am, your just going to denie it people because I'm right, like the wing I fly under