It looks like CNN has to find a better way to attract more veiwers. I honistly didn't think CNN told the whole truth so I always wachted FOX NEWS .And I guess alot of other people are doing the same thing.
wouldnt that mean they are not bias because they have an equal representation of both sides? Or wouldnt HANNITY and colmes happen were its still has a conservative bias? (But I heard conservatives arent very good with numbers) :P
wouldnt that mean they are not bias because they have an equal representation of both sides? Or wouldnt HANNITY and colmes happen were its still has a conservative bias? (But I heard conservatives arent very good with numbers) :P
We bias against liberals far less then they bias against us, they portray as as the anti-christs servants. Sure, there are more outspoken people on both sides, and it's only the MSM that does it.
Fox News is pretty heavy anti-left, really. I say that sometimes, it is better to operate in a liberal fashion, sometimes in a conservative one. Doing the same type of things in different situations is stupid.
Who portrays the right as anti-christs servants? I thought we portrayed the right as overly religious rich loving trickle-down theorist gun touting elephants who cant get their facts right. I thought WE were the anti-American terrorist anti-christ servants! I dont seem to know anything
Fox News is very conservative and anti liberal. There is never a single side that tells you the whole story without a bias but that won't happen (anytime soon). In my opinion, you should get your news from many sources rather than one.
Who portrays the right as anti-christs servants? I thought we portrayed the right as overly religious rich loving trickle-down theorist gun touting elephants who cant get their facts right. I thought WE were the anti-American terrorist anti-christ servants! I dont seem to know anything
I exagerated.
No it doesn't. it misconstrues everything.
So does everybody else, they 'misconstrue' less than everybody else, because their quite a bit more fair. If anybody watched the election on Fox you would have noticed far left on one side of the table and far right on the other.
So does everybody else, they 'misconstrue' less than everybody else, because their quite a bit more fair. If anybody watched the election on Fox you would have noticed far left on one side of the table and far right on the other.
I never said that anyone else didn't misconstrue. But you're mistaken in saying that Fox misconstrues the news less than everyone else. You're almost invariably biased towards Fox, because you are very very conservative, and would see the things that they are saying as less biased because you are biased towards them yourself, and would see your views, naturally, as unbiased, and therefore theirs as well. Being a political moderate, I see Fox to be too conservative, CNN as being too liberal, and most news stations swinging slightly left. But, I see that Fox distorts facts and quotes more than other news stations, because I do my research, and Fox misquotes and bends news often. ------------ Fun Fact: The American right to privacy is overruled by Bill O'Reilly's need to know! It's true! For example, one day, Bill told the press on his show to leave someone alone (Cheney, maybe?) but then there was another guy (a liberal, of course) who he wanted to interview. The guy told him to go away under his right to privacy, but O'Reilly got frustrated and kept pursuing. Then, he yelled something to the effect of "Sir, why did you appoint a democrat to your committee? How could you make such a stupid move as to let someone from the left wing take any sort of authority?" at him. I've never heard CNN talk bout the right wing in that fashion. CNN is nicer than Fox News, though equally biased.
No, you are continuing to argue against things I haven't said. CNN is not more biased than Fox. It is not necessarily less biased either. They both misquote sometimes, just Fox does so more vehemently. I never said anything to the effect that it is okay for CNN to misquote, but not for Fox. . . .
mr.thisisnotanalt so ur basically leaning towards CNN if i take you correctly. Wait a second theres a word for that i think it starts with a B, oh yah is biased.