One of my favorite bands, post if you like Green Day!
it gust a rackit all rudish
green day is ok sometimes but for the most part i dont like them. my favorite song by them is holiday.
they used to be good but they went pop rock and spoiled it!the end
Green Day has tallent. The only problem with Green Day, in my opinion, is that they have bad image.
man they're an awsome band
greenday is a horribul emo group
Green Day rocks!
I think there pretty good.
They were better when they were younger now they S.u.x
there fine
I like Green Day, but they're not my fave. band though. Yet, they are kind of cool and stuff.
I love Greenday Billie joe is my idol fuck the ppl who hate greenday they'll die a lonly death anyway
green days ok i like a few of ther songs
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