I think its ConArtists because I do not to hate any of his games as of yet. As for John, he can pump em out, but some games I just don't like. What do you guys think?
I'd also like to point out that John takes FAR more risks than Con Artists. He not only does the safe games that everyone likes (shoot stuff) but he makes some really awesome and highly rated games that try crazy new things! A game about directing traffic? Awesome! Not to mention he has almost 50 games with his name on them.
Not that Con Artists is bad at all! Both guys are exceptionally talented and we at Hero Interactive are inspired by both.
Well, It depends on what your looking for! If you want a longer game with a serious storyline and stuff, The Conartists... John has made way more games, Really original games, alot of minigames, And hell, Alot of pretty funny things in his games! He has a few longer games out, but he makes alot of fun, short games that you just click and play!
I absolutely agree.
But it's hard to choose. I got to go with ConArtists, I prefer long games with a storyline. Tough John's minigames and other games are not bad. ConArtists games are more appealing.
I think ConArtists is beter then John, because ConArtst,as stated above
If you want a longer game with a serious storyline and stuff, The Conartists...
, create game with long storyline but John have short and his game have less labour hours for making. I love a longer game with a serios storyline and then i love ConArtists game. P.S. ... but John`s games is good too. ____________________________________________________________ P.S.S. Sorry, if in this post are mistakes, becase I from Ukraine and badly know English
John's games are more creative and lass repetitive, and I would tout John as one of the all-time masters of cool graphics in Flash (a la fox fyre) but Conartists' games are generally less original. Consrtists is awesome, but I would choose John because of his creativity, ability to seemingly always have a cool idea, make games about everyday life that are still really damn fun, and be able to make a wide range of games. But Con is still great in most respects!