I just saw a story on how a group in Texas wants the state to secede from the US. My first response was HAS EVERYONE LOST THERE MINDS and does anyone realize how dumb that idea is? Seriously, how insane would you have to be to suggest that? Then I saw a poll where 50% of people agreed and wondered what the world is coming to. Personally I think it is the worst possible thing you could to "Save the Texas Economy" as the group called it.
O and thisisnotanalt please dont critisize me for not seeing my views fairly its very rude. and the fact that you say the immigration is exaggerated proves you no nothing and dont live on the west coast. I happen to live in oregon where most citites population is mexicans. legals or not. Did you know theres even a gang of mexicans (mostly illegal) that spread from mexico all the way to the tip of oregon? There huge, and we need to do something about it. They could even take over L.A.
Hmm? I never criticized you for that. Just that the statement of you wanting to move to Texas after it secedes to escape the USA because it a socialist country shows that you don't have a correct definition of socialism. Sorry if you misconstrued any of my statements as hostile. -------- By that, I meant that saying that the illegal immigration thing will destroy the country is an exaggeration. ----------- A gang of Mexican immigrants will NOT be able to take over L.A. That's preposterous. Do you have any idea how powerful our own forces are? The National Guard would be over there in a heartbeat if they saw it as a real threat. ----------- You tell me that it is very rude to criticize people's views, yet you make this gargantuan assumption right after saying that:
and the fact that you say the immigration is exaggerated proves you no nothing
now tell me, does that exactly follow the guideline you set yourself? Sorry if you misconstrued any of my statements towards you, but that sounded openly hostile. -------------- Using correct spelling and grammar (not perfect spelling and grammar, but near-perfect) will really earn you a lot of respect. A lot of your arguments are lost in spelling and grammar errors aplenty.
@kirby: Is illegal immigration destroying our country? No. Then it is exaggerated. I have heard over and over again-people saying that Mexicans are ruining America. They're not. I have a problem with the illegal part of immigration, but if they're legal then I don't care.
Texas is not seceding from the US, if you believe so, you are worse than miss teen USA South Carolina.
I agree with this is not an alt, illegal immigration is not destroying our country, it is exaggerated. Without of the illegal immigrants, who would do the low end jobs? the only reason why the government has not cracked down on them yet is because they support the society. For people who have a better education they have better jobs.
Seriously that would be the stupidest thing to do because the U.S. could just go to war with them kick their arses and bring them into the U.S. by force.
The U.S. could EASILY go to war with them, win in 4 days at most and have them back.
No that was totally like a thing off the top of my head, but wtf would they do if the seceded?
The would be trapped between 2 countries one of them with the largest standing army. They would be SCREWED!
Lets think about it. Were are most of the US Military located? Were are all the new high tech weapons and Air force? That's right, Texas
The firs thing they would do would be to annex Mexico. Now you have the worlds largest army. After Texas leaves and takes Mexico, you know the Neighboring states like OK and New Mexico will jump in on it, along with the southern half of California. Then all they have to do is take over Canada and now the Country of Texas has all the oil reserves of the remaining US. No one would dare start a fight with Texas as it would just create another civil war.
Your talking about Texas, the place were it's legal to have fully automatic machine guns. A state that has more guns then people in it. Were you can get a shot gun, a beer, underwear and diner in the same store.
I dont think texas even CAN secede. The only states that maybe can secede are the original 13. But otherwise, no other state can. Thats what the civil war was about.
On an unrelated note, we should ammend the constitution so that Arnold Schwarzenegger can become the Presidenator 2012...
I don't think it would be worth it. Sure he'd probably be a fine president, but that means that from then on out you wouldn't have to be born American to be president. I think that is an important thing to our country. If they were born in say, Canada, I don't think that the American people would feel as well represented.
Man its stupid, fuck Texas they can go back to Mexico and see how they feel about that. The other 50% that doesn't agree with Texas seceding should leave Texas and we should treat Texas as a foreign country and don't trade with them and take back our American dollars and let them have their own currency. I say if they want to leave let them and see how long it lasts.