Lankhr: it's possible to get over million of mana without cheating (right now I'm at wave 45, max. mana is 1291125 and next level of mana pool costs 1138892 so I can still get a few more levels in that.
The trick is to max your mana with mana pool to 230k, use a high grade gem in mana tap shrine (these can be found in a few levels) which increases your max mana by (5% * grade of gem used). Then repeat this until mana tap shrine is depleted and you can't get any more levels in mana pool.
P.S. I used grade 14 gem 2 times and grade 15 gem one time and now I have maxed mana pool... final max mana is 1297125.
nooooooooooo, i don't sleep last night until 6 o'clock in the morning, then i sleep until i woke up at 12.30, i'm stil alive yay, but 3 minutes later i died.
last stat
wave 112 level id 34 i put 95% R/O in traps and towers, but i only got score 200k XP, it's too small.
What i'm lack with? We need gem that can add score lol
surfthenet, you lack angering of waves 40-60, or maybe 40-70, which give about the same score as an average 80th wave, but is WAY wasier to get some 100x score off this particular wave by angering it to some 100-200k HP and I-don't-care-how-much armor, just have a R/P trap ready. Each wave can be angered so high, and if you have a massive mana trap set, you will eventually kill them all before they will accumulate the banishment cost high enough for your mana pool to sustain.
And there are gems that add score, any gem can if you use it to anger a wave that you can kill Also, yes, that's me over there as well as you
minimum damage - armor of the monster = real damage
is this right?
if this right, so i can anger them below my grade 8 gems (damage 200+) and as long as they don't exceed my minimum damage, it make them bulletproof, right?
well, AFAICS there's no limit on angering in terms of how many gems you can use for angering a single wave, but the number of monsters increases only first 20 angering. About being bulletproof - real damage is not "minimum damage minus armor" but "actual damage minus armor" where actual damage is what the gem rolls each time its progectile hits, with splash (if that's a hit near the monster) and triple, the armor reduction is applied after the actual hit. So a monster is completely bulletproof if its armor exceeds the maximal damage, not the minimal, but that's also the HP of monsters that play the role. If your gems can't grind the monsters fast enough, they are kill-proof, not bulletproof tho. The 200 armor is about 14-15 times of angering, by that time their HPs start to top some 200k already if not higher, and usually I don't have enough gems to handle such a mob.
Lankhr, no, the armor increase does not depend on the gem used to anger, it's always +25% with a minimum of 2.
I wonder though, is it worth to anger with grade 7 or higher gems? I have once stumbled upon a formula that stated that the score increase is 15%*grade*current score/(1+times angered), so with grade 7 gems each anger will boost score more than the previous and the initial value.
This score gain multiplier includes also 2 (or 3, can't remember how many it had) uses of experience shrine with grade 12 gem.
If you compare this to the other image on page 30 of this thread, you can see that the score gain is really insane at these waves (8 waves, almost 500 million score).