I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.
one Nation under God
Should the Pledge of Allegiance be changed to support Atheist, who do not belief in God?
This phrase "under god" wasn't in the pledge originally - it was added in 1954 during a time of Communist fears and religious pressure.
wow i didn't know that,
well personlly, didn't say this before, I think "Under God" should be taken out of the Pledge, mainly because if the United States is a free country for religious beliefs.
it wasn't originally supposed to be just a , free choose in religion country, I mean, anyone could believe what they wanted to believe, but christian was the pressed religion because that is what the founding fathers based their beliefs and the Deceleration of independents... Christianity affected every thing the founding fathers did.
Buddhism should replace Judaism, just because it isn't a religion that believes in one god, you should still acknowledge it. Every religion "sells" itself (in a sense like a call girl) as the best religion and the only "correct" one.
This is a rather tough topic you have, here...I'm impressed. I may not believe in any godly entity who watches over us all, but note the part about liberty: the pledge dictates that liberty should be bestowed upon all, even atheists. My point is clear.
I feel that it should be removed & put back to it's original form.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
The establishment clause of the first amendment prevents congress from establishing a nation religion, or taking favor for one religion over another, or taking religion over non-religion.
I just wouldn't say the 'under god' part of it, but also given the first amendment I would think it should be taken out.
The Pledge of Allegiance is a formidable part of American culture. Children have been saying that same phrase in school for over 50 years, and no problems have arisen because of it. The words "Under god" shouldn't be much of a issue, seeing as they could be specified towards any god in general, not just Christianity. Also, if your atheist, then you still shouldn't care because you yourself know that god doesn't exist (At least in your mind) and saying two words in school shouldn't offend you or change your opinion. This issue has never come up until now, showing what today's society has become. Everybody thinks that what they believe is right, and nobody should think differently. That, and that they think it's cool to rebel from the past society and go on their own path (IE: Atheism). Also, your not pledging to god, your pledging to America and all the values Americans share, Liberty, Justice, Freedom. If you have a problem with the pledge then contact your states senator and they might propose a bill for you, but until then things will remain the same as they have always been, and for good reason, because most of the country doesn't care what is in the pledge. I also guarantee that congress wouldn't pass the bill if they wanted to. They don't remember how.
The nation is under God though He's up there watching and protecting us.
That doesn't mean that people who don't believe in him should have to mention this point when they feel like expressing their loyalty to their nation in such a widely recognized pledge.
Personally I don't really care about the 'under god' bit, if you don't agree with it just omit it when you feel like saying the pledge. It's no big deal really.