A 13 year old girl in 2003 was told to strip search down to her underwear because the administration thought she was carrying Ibuprofen on her. The administration did not call the parents, a police officer, or anyone. They told her to strip down to search her. The case has reached the Supreme Court of the US. They will soon decide whether or not schools can order strip searches.
So how much power should school administrators have?
I was that little boys father i would've sued that bus driver and the school system right after i punched the lights out of that Mo-fo for touching my kid.
chyeah dude strip searching my kid earns you a trip to the emergency room don't care who you are i don't mind going to jail for it either
That's pretty ridiculous. I hadn't heard this story before.
Schools have plenty enough power, they can search your bags and your locker without any questions plus they can search you too with a cop's help and a little notification to your parents. They really don't need anything more.
First of all, strip searching is not a very smart thing to do. Secondly, principals or administrators of schools should be that strict! People who are so strict will rarely be a favorite person to a student. I heard that being nice to students helps teaching.
People like that should'nt have so much power. That's just plain mean. The reason alot of kids hate school or other people in high school is because the teachers are so tough on the students. Another thing to those crazy people is, dont you want some of your privacy? It's not worth it.
That much power is plain dumb, and harsh. how would the parents react? I can't imagine how mad they would be. They would probably take their child from that school and sue! I asure you its really hard to beleive.
Oh and i think people like that should be arrested and sued. Less power i would say to them.
The thing is though, with the strip search. A female officer must preform the search. The school doesn't have the rights to do that by themselves. But at the same time, I don't think they have a law currently saying they can't, so it's them using a loop hole.
Truthfully I think it's wrong, only Law Enforcement should preform ethical searches like that.
I don't think the law should be any different for this sort of thing then it is outside of school. I don't agree that completely random locker searches, backpack or purse searches are 'okay'. It's an invasion of privacy for which they have no probable cause. If a cop asks me to open the trunk of my car & he doesn't have probable cause, I can say no, and that's the end of it unless he gets a warrant.
Above and beyond that though, I don't feel a school administrator should have the power to do *any* of these things. They should have to have a guardian present & have the search performed by an officer of the law.
The thing is, that they are supposedly allowed to do this in public schools because it uses government money, but in a privately owned school, this would be an outrage.
wow... perverted school admin strip searching 13 yo girl, thats twisted... and someone else mentioned that a female should only be searched by another female law enforcer... i hope that only applys to girls, cus my friends dad is a cop and i know for a fact that hes a pervert, someone threw a low punch at me, and he asked to check if it was ok... i dont want him strip searchin me
Unless the student specifically signs his rights away, the school can't search him or his possessions without probable cause. Furthermore, because children must attend school, they cannot be forced to sign their rights away to meet this requirement.
Lockers are school property anyway, there's zero problem against that.
It doesn't matter whose property it is, the stuff is the student's and is therefor protected from illegal search and seizure.
That ridiculous. It is a total violation of privacy and rights. If i am ever ordered to strip search (in my school) i will not do it until i am forced to physically by a police officer.
Unless the person strip searching me was a hot lady teacher who was about 20 0r so years old, then i would not mind so much