Also, how may of you are secretly hoping people turn into swine zombies? ( Darn You left for dead!!! Making the apocalypse look sooooo fun!)
LOL! I am not hoping for that... but a small part of me is totally expecting it!
The swine flu isn't airbourne... Its just if u touch something someone with this flu touches, and then u put ur finger in your mouth or eye, u get this desease
Well, it sort of is. If someone sneezes, the droplets from their sneeze can travel to you an infect you. So it can be transferred through droplets expelled into the air.
I think the media blew this whole thing up a lil too much but hey i mean its the media
Yes and no. They have given it a lot of attention when it technically is not a very sever type of flue yet. However, the way to prevent it getting worse is to get people to be more careful about their hygiene. And if people are being scared into being careful by the media, then that isn't so bad., you're applying communism even to this. I don't think this is the real solution. Nationalizing everything is a bad idea, and the real problem isn't treating people who have it, but in containing it so that it can't get to other people.
On NPR the other day I heard this North American journalist discussing the exploits of a man in Mexico who, at the age of 17 was recruited by the Mexican State Police, and promptly thereafter was ordered to kill someone that he and a team had kidnapped. After this, he was told the test was over and he passed. For the past 19 years this man has been paid by the government as well as a cartel to go around Mexico, in his own personal plane, as a state policeman, kidnapping, torturing, and murdering people....pretty messed up. so yeah basically I agree with Green12324's statement.
Also swine flu, or h1n1, has begun to recede according to the Mexican government, however, according to the international community, because of the continued mildly rampant spread of the disease, they cannot say that it is actually receding across the world.
By mildly rampant I meant that there haven't been too many cases in countries other than Mexico, but it has spread to many other countries fairly quickly.
With a confirmed death toll (According to good ol' Wikipedia) of.. one.. in the US (The second highest, I might add)... <sarcasm> It is no wonder so many schools are locking down and so many people are buying any medical supplies for their own safety. </sarcasm>
Nationalize everything, put it into the hands of the people, give free health care to those who need it. Problem solved in a faster amount of time.
Yes nationalising everything and giving virtually everyone on the planet free health care. That won't take a long time/bring up an infinite number of practical problems.
my county that I live in has actually had 15 reported cases but only 1 confirmed so far. luckily there have been no cases in my school district. I'm not really worried about it at the moment, and I believe the media is making too big a deal about the topic, but if u really think about it, isnt that a good thing? Since it makes people take things like this seriously.