Hey what do you know. People over sensitive over a "little bit stronger than usual virus that is almost like a regular flu" the problem is that mexico doesn't have enough medicine to take care of people so they die. Ohio 4 cases 1 death.
personally I thought that this virus was over-hyped from the beginning. I has just finally been lowered from a high level to mild. And the people that have died had weak immune systems, either being immune deficiencies or young in age, thus not exposed to antigens.
People, are you serious! Just because it's called swine flu doesn't mean anything about it in pig meat. And virus' don't evolve any quicker than anything else, but since they have smaller DNA, and mass, they mutate by radiation very rapidly. SOmetimes it kills them but since there are so many, it can maybe help them. Trial and error. This is al bogus and needs LESS attention. It's like this flu is BRAND NEW or something like it just came into existence. Or it's a PANDEMIC. Jeez these news people make me sick. We need to know more about the middle east and why things are happening over there.
Choazmachine, Viruses do have a shorter lifespan though, and during reproduction there could be a misreading in the DNA when translation occurs (that is when proteins, the stuff that essentially keeps your body together, are made). If a certain miscoding occurs, then it could change the virus, resulting in a mutation.
Firealchemist, the people who have died, have had some sort of weakness in their immune system. But being careful is not a bad thing, so long as people don't go into mass panic mode :x
From a biological perspective they are considered living, just like a cell is a living organism
no actually they are not considered living, they do not even have most of the stuff that are in cells. If you took some form of biology you would have learned about this. Viruses need to use cells to replicate themselves because they cannot do so themselves.
Ignorance is not the perfect fall back. Read Moar.
On the other hand, now that I looked up living I think you might be right. Scratch that, you are right, I based my statement on a misinterpreted question.
Before you go around called people ignorant, maybe you should see if it is a mishap on your part, I merely made a wrong assumption. At least this way I now know that right answer for the exam tomorrow
I have take AP Bio -.- viruses contain of DNA and protein. cells have DNA and protein too, as well as membrane bound organelles and other structures.
I took it 3 years ago as a freshman and if my memory serves I got a 5 on it.
how could you misinterpret that if you have taken AP bio? Viruses are not even a single celled organism, A virus is little more than a strand of DNA or RNA covered by a protein coating.
In biology there are 4 things that classify if something has life. The ability to reproduce Is able to obtain and use energy Can grow, develop, and die Responds to the environment
The virus does respond to the environment but is unable to reproduce, because it requires another cell's machinery to carry this task out.
Choazmachine, Viruses do have a shorter lifespan though, and during reproduction there could be a misreading in the DNA when translation occurs (that is when proteins, the stuff that essentially keeps your body together, are made). If a certain miscoding occurs, then it could change the virus, resulting in a mutation.
I do believe a miscoding doesn't result to a mutation but is a mutation. ;D
Finally someone who likes Bio, or I presume because AP Bio is a elective in your school right? It is in mine. Im taking AP bio senior year because junior year im gonna take ecology!
Anyway this swine flu definitely needs a vaccine so people stfu.