The story of how Joseph Smith's book of mormon came into writing is just about the funniest thing I've ever read. The Church of LDS is in the same bucket as scientology.
I'd say they're about as christian as any other sect, and yes, I think they're a fake.
The story of how Joseph Smith's book of mormon came into writing is just about the funniest thing I've ever read. The Church of LDS is in the same bucket as scientology.
I'd say they're about as christian as any other sect, and yes, I think they're a fake.
Well some guy saw a "vision" and an angel told him where he could find these tablets. So he told everyone in his village about these tablets or new gospel or whatever. I think their all brainwashed. This guy took advantage of uneducated villagers.
I dont even think they have a worship service at their church. Thats how weird it is
there is a southpark episode that unearths this to an extent. the episode called "all about the Mormons?" season 7 episode 12. They talk about a man who said he saw golden plates, but no one ever saw these plates, and he translated it to someone who knew how to write. After one day, the translator wanted to test him out and said he lost the notes and he had to retranslate them. The man was angry and said God was angry with the translator and will change around the words just to spite him. So that is why each Mormon chapter is similar yet different. I think that man is a load of crap, like most religious personnel but then again this is just my opinion.
I dont even think they have a worship service at their church. Thats how weird it is
You might want to research BEFORE you post! Yes, we have a worship service... We are in church for three hours on Sundays. The first hour, or Sacrament in our main worship service.
there is a southpark episode that unearths this to an extent.
Yes, but don't be so keen to trust southpark stereotypes. Now, it was hilarious (I remember that episode), but also we need to remember that religions look much different on the inside. I'm not even a Mormen, but I know from Christian experience that faith can look rather ridiculous from the outside. Actually, I found that most often on AG. I really shouldn't be getting the most worldly debates I can imagine on a computer game website, but...
Woah, woah, woah. Hold the presses. Snakebite, you're a Mormon? Now I get why you were asking me if I was one...
I actually reasearched into the LDS Church and I talked to a missionary and I found myself liking it but then my parents got involved and I had to stop my research, but whatev. I've got some of their phamplets in my messy, messy room somewhere... And a Book of Mormon
And Somers, yes, they do. I've never been to it but from research it seems very long. I'd probably fall asleep Xp
My history teacher once told me Joseph Smith was a con artist. Getting people to follow him before. Also, i wouldnt really trust a mans word, your religon is basically a thought of a mans mind. He rewrote what he could easily write a book about past events in america.
And sorry bout the misunderstanding...i talked to a good friend about how he couldnt sleep over at his friends house unless he went to church with them. Sort of like trying to convert him or something...anyways weird
I have no problems with normal Mormons, only with the ones that was in news a few years ago in west Canada where they would use the constitution to try and justify marrying multiple 14 year olds...
Yes, there are some sects that have broken off from the main LDS Church and are a bit, coo-coo, if you ask me. But I was just thinking about the main LDS Church.