Money; All war has money involved whether it's from the start or from half way through. Oil, some sort of resource comes into play no matter what. Your going to want to offer protection for the oil companies and the companies that have those resources so you can make cheaper trade for protecting them.
Power; Some but not all war is for power or the show that we are stronger. The 9/11 attacks on America showed that Al Queda has no fear of us. In our own hotheadedness we attacked back showing we have no fear of war and we control this our own way and will not be pushed around.
Religion Differences; Not alot of wars that involve America have this. But many middle eastern wars do. The ones that believe this land is our land and such over there own religious books but don't realize your just saying god in a different language. Isn't it not possible the two religions seen the same thing? Maybe different places different times.
Anyone else care to argue my points or just add to them?
All war serves a political end but i wouldn't say it causes war. Divisiveness causes war, it is basic human nature to divide itself. Therefore, mankind will always be at odds with itself.
Leaders of Countries are humans. Most humans think differently and a fair few countries can act without justification to anybody. So I think it would be safe to say that in theory a war could be started over almost anything you could think of.
Well if anyone cares, Serious wars, nuclear attacks occur usually when ruffness occurs with two countrys, or maybe even obsessed with conquering everything:.hitler.: but still, the Armenian Genocide happened because the Ottoman Turks wanted land back, obsessed with being the best and yet it caused a war with Armenia and Turkey, and a little bit of Azerbaijan.
Actually a fairly easy answer to this one. War is caused by man. Man is meerly a glorified animal that still has the urge to mark his teritory and continually expand his land. If you watch any National Geographic show about animals(lemurs, tigers, etc.) you see they do the same. Starts out with there own little parcel then they move outward taking over from the weak or the old. It is basically our animal DNA that forces us to war.
People go to war over resources, beliefs, and land. People fight over oil, like in the Middle East. (Resources) People fight for religions today in the Middle East also. When the USA fought a war against Mexico, (Green Go!) they did so to get land, which became Texas, Florida, and a few other states.
for all of those people who think world peace is possible then you are very very wrong. as long as humans have emotions then there will be conflict even if everyone was happy then there would still be disagreements about what kind of happiness is best
so there is my answer and i dont intend to really debate on this but if you want to then comment my profile so i will know
Haha thats one way to put it. I wouldn't consider them idiots, expecially if they are leading a country. They might have a different opinion then you but that doesn't mean they are idiots anyways. Yeah disagreements can also cause war.