ForumsThe Tavern[necro]What was your craziest dream? (keep it reasonable length)

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356 posts

I was at the beach with my mom and siblings. Behind us was a store, a convenient store, my mom left to get cokes. After a long time, I decided I would look for her. I went into the store, and I couldn't find her. So I went to the back of the store and found a door. I opened the door, and noticed that it lead to my backyard. I walked outside, my mom was strung up by her neck from the gutter, and a man with a burlap sack on his head, with a rope around his neck started throwing lollipops at me. Then the lollipops became needles and I ran out of the gate of my backyard, everything went black, and then I woke up.

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66 posts

well i got a scary,at least for me.please note that i used to be soooo afraid of bears (sort of cartoon bears,especially crossed eyed bears)anyway,here it is:

Well the family came over and we were eating dinner.So me and my brother and sister left the table when we were done eating,but then i saw a bear with a giant knife,standing about 10 feet away from me.i ran and my brother and sister followed,not knowing what was up,they asked what happened.So i told them "i...i saw a bear,a killer bear".your crazy they said. But later that night,the bear killed someone,and that made them turn into a killer bear.I was the only one who knew what was happening but me. Then, me and my brother and sister went upstairs in my parents room to hide,luckily they started to beleive me about the bear. But we turned around, and saw it,standing right behind us.Finaly they completly beleived me. We ran away but noticed that there were now 3 bears,last i checked there were 2,so the origanal bear killed another person.We ran into my room, me and my brother hid under something i cant remember,and my sister in my closet. i saw him comeing but he didnt see me,saw him open the closet door with my sister in hit,holding a knife,and i woke up.

very scary for me

1,077 posts

I had this dream when I was six... I still remember it... I had it when I fell asleep watching Pinochio, my dad was also yelling about the football game, upstairs.

I am sitting in a crowd, watching the 'Giants' game. My entire family is next to me. All of the sudden, the football is fumbled. It hits the ground and explodes, filling the field with water. The players morph into dolphins. The ref turns into an orca. Then my entire family pulls their faces off. For five seconds I can see skeleton faces. Then They put on sky masks and push me. I fly over the middle of the stadium and fall into the water. A giant blue whale then swallows me up. I go in there and I see Pinochio, sitting on a skeleton. He then looks at me, he takes out a bloody knife and his teeth turn sharp and his eyes red. He leaps onto my head, cuts my neck and then I fall into stomach acid. As soon as I fall in I wake up.

5,838 posts

I dreamt I was in a study by Dement and Kleitman, unfortuneatley I messed eveything up and dreamt in nREM sleep and when I dreamt about about watching a game of table tennis mt eyes went up and down.

480 posts

Er, really weird?

I was held captive by a dragon in a colorful animated world, involving seeded bread and growled demands made by the dragon which I could understand. Then I was rescued by my friends dad and brought out a door which led to the real world, which was dark and rainy.

1,212 posts

a dream where i was eaten by pizza

22 posts

once i had i dream that i was falling into a giant group of porcupines and when i woke up i was sitting on a nail......ow

443 posts

I once had a dream that I got really hungover and threw up (look away now if you have a fear of vomit) and I woke up in a puddle of puke. Then I puked again because it was so gross.

5 posts

scareiest dream
i was on a plane and then i jumped and then realeased my parachute and while i was falling i landed right in the middle of a mutant turantula farm and then spiders started coming from the ground i tryed climbing a wall but i got stuck to a web and then the spiders ate my flesh and then i woke up and i noticed i had water on my eyes and a spider bite on my chin.

890 posts

Aethiests, don't comment about how God doesn't exist and such, just when you read this pretend he does.

I dreamed I was climbing a staircase that went up in circles like in castles. In the middle there was nothing, except angles flying up. When I reached the top, I realized I was in heaven. I did a lot of fun stuff for thousands of years, but then it all became... boring. Soon I was trying to find my way out. I broke a window and fell onto earth. God became angry and threw me into hell. Then I climbed out and went back to earth... then I woke up.

173 posts

That I was being chased by a vampire...I woke up so scared only to fall back asleep and has the continuation of the chasing scene..drats

328 posts

A few years ago I dreamed that I was robbing a bank, for some reason. I was robbing it with a friend of mine and we actually did it, but I had to shoot someone to get out of there, which I did..
And then the dream continued in a store. I brought along all the money and bought every single Barbie in that toy store.
I think I was 11 when I dreamed that.. =)

912 posts

ok so i was in school when all of a sudden was broke out between 5th and 6th grade(i was in 5th at the time) and i was chosen to be like some commando dude and had to shoot 6th grade giants it was weird but kinda cool.

703 posts

I was going in a mall when i jump from escalator, and I can feel the pain in my butt. When I woke up, I was in the floor lol.

85 posts

My craziest dream recently (two nights ago) was about these vampire zombies and I thought everything was real when I woke up. My dream all took place in Tulsa, where I live, and with all of the people I knew. It was terrible.

They were deep red creatures that infected you as easily as breathing you. They either ate you/drank your blood or converted you. I remember, I kept telling my boyfriend when I got infected to just shoot me.

Very fun dream.

245 posts

My craziest dream is I was dreaming that I was driving a car fastly and I had an accident.I had a serious injury.The doctor said that my both legs has to be cut because of the accident.That is my craziest dream that I dream ever.

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