ForumsThe Tavern[necro]What was your craziest dream? (keep it reasonable length)

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356 posts

I was at the beach with my mom and siblings. Behind us was a store, a convenient store, my mom left to get cokes. After a long time, I decided I would look for her. I went into the store, and I couldn't find her. So I went to the back of the store and found a door. I opened the door, and noticed that it lead to my backyard. I walked outside, my mom was strung up by her neck from the gutter, and a man with a burlap sack on his head, with a rope around his neck started throwing lollipops at me. Then the lollipops became needles and I ran out of the gate of my backyard, everything went black, and then I woke up.

  • 42 Replies
1,078 posts

My dad told me not to yell shut up into a pop can in this dream. When I yelled shut up into a pop can, the apocalypse happened.

81 posts

lol i was riding my motorbike on this tail ride and my pet german shepard was on the bak lol??he was like sitting like a normal human would if u were doubling them...he was like barking constantly and i told him 2 shut up so he jumoed of the bike ( which was going about 80kmh) and was running beside the bike and i shouted at him to jump bak on and he barked 3 times and jumped on...then i woke up.....

789 posts

... If I told you I'd have to kill you XD(Seriously my dreams may be the weirdest you've ever heard, but theirlong, some continue the next day as strange as that is)

5,642 posts

Hmm, I'm not sure if I have had a crazy one without some sort of straight sexual penetration.

Well, one was when I was in a zombie apocalypse, but if anyone knows me, they'll know that that's really no surprise ^^;

1,747 posts

Well I'm a Lucid dreamer, so I can control my dreams

Though I had very disturbing nightmares. One was when I was at this tall building, with everything around me on flames. There was the elevator, but it was down. There was the stairs, but it was blocked with debris on fire. There was a hole in the wall. The smoke was killing me, and so is the fire. I jumped through the hole, falling, seeing people at the bottom like ants. There were ambulances and police and a lot of civilians. But I hit the ground.

9/11. I'm not sure why

69 posts

I normally don't have traditional nightmares i.e. Something's chasing your, trying to kill you, freaking you out, or falling or some such. My nightmares all have to do with my self-image and the way I put myself down. Very Freudian and very scary to me. But my craziest dream has to be one where I was taking a trek like adventure through a jungle with this girl I like, and we just walked forever, through swampy areas and thick vegetation, until finally she stopped. Then, just as I started to kiss her, a Medusa came up behind her and turned her into stone (yes I know that isn't how it works, this is a dream). I got super pissed off and tried to chase the Medusa, but she ran away off the cliff (this dream kinda jumps around). I jumped off the cliff into my best friend's room, where he was banging his GF. I watched in morbid fascination for a while, and when he*clears throat*"finished", I turned around to see the Court House. As I walked towards it I looked over at Neil Armstrong trying to climb the pine tree. Then I was like, "WHAT THE F WORD?! I'M IN A DREAM!" So I then proceeded to fulfill all of my crazy fantasies, since it became lucid and I kept myself asleep. The dream ended like nine hundred years later, with me doing push-ups in front of the Statue of Liberty, so, yeah. That's my craziest dream.

686 posts

A black burning sheep came into my room at night and told me that the world in fact is nothing but a piece of an electrone of a world much greater than ours. Weird, but philosofical.

256 posts

By resonable length i hope you mean short ? Hope so lol. Anyways i dreamed of nothing , quite weird if you think about it , it was just black , and when i woke up i was like wtf.. Resonable? idk but i find this weird lol

17 posts

My craziest dream was, I was doing a back-flip and in the middle (where you're upside-down) the world turned upside down and I fell down the sky, only that there's no space or anything, just plain plainness. Falling Nonstop, I think it was for 20 minutes or so.

And then when I stop falling, I was a burnt cow with already fresh milk coming out. Only that I vomited it.
And when the farmer comes, he's a goat.


561 posts

Well one i remember is i was in a medieval kitchen and i was a princess i was looking for something i don't know what and i was trying to get the people who were busy cooking to help me, they just told me to go to a pound outside, suddenly they all turned into frogs and chased me down the rode that lead into my back garden one tried to kiss me and then i woke up. hope that's crazy enough for you i thought it was pretty wired.

578 posts

Last night...It's so blurry...But it seemed like so much was going on...Okay, here's what I remember. There was an oppressing governement. ( Be warned this dream seemed very long...Ughh so Blurry!) and everything was cartoony. The Governement was composed of smart dudes... The citizens were retards, as it helped the governement control them...Whenever some showed a sign of intelligience they'd take that person away...It's pretty blurry for a while but then... Theres a School? Of some sorts and their being taught in a way similiar to the Invader Zim teacher... And There might have been something that was supposed to be me...And someone realized what 2 plus 2 was, and a government guy came down.
It went something like "What did you just say,?"
And the citizen was like "Bleep Burp Potato" or something and the cop was like " oh okay then" and left...And I think the School was in a sewer and Bananas...A ulterior motive and detailed plot were all blurred out by my terrible memory. Sorry...Yeah that was pretty crazy.

578 posts

Wait, sorry to double post but I just realized that, well here this will take a minute. Whenever you have a bad dream, and you can sorta tell somethings really bad is about to happen, it kinda like blacks out and you wake up, panicked and stuff?
Hmm..I've only had a few lucid dreams over the course of my life...But stuff that happened in them were like really personal.

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