What do you think of Hitler as a person. Some would say he is awesome some like me would say he wasnt a very good person. And maybe what your saying is true.
Hitler was a piece of garbage. He appealed to the people's needs at that time and then started his fukin genecide of minorities. He had no reasoning behind it other than his poorly misinterpretations of his relgion. Killing because of a religion never leads anywhere. Killing can only ever be in self defense or defense of another, and certainly not with the use of torture and labor camps. If anybody at all thinks Hitler was a good person, please explain. If not, I'm not sure what this thread is for (or at least why it asks a question).
Hitler didn't kill because of religion, but because of race. He thought that 'Judaism' was a shield which the Jews used to hide behind to carry out their evil conspiracies to take over the world in a massive communist coup. His hate was one of racial inferiority. The Nazis actually set up a pagan religion based on the Sun. They held no religious convictions whatsoever.
Hitler, while not a great person, nor leader, did have some qualities I admire.
Articulate writer and speaker - how else could you manipulate a country into electing you and your Nazi regime into public office?
Dark personality - he was always a little twisted, as per Mein Kampf and any recollections of him historically. I've always had an odd affection for people who are by 'normal' standards, considered evil.
Not sure what adjective to sum it up with, but Hitler was trying to clean out people until all that were left were the Aryan race. He stood for what he believed in (this could be argued, since he did change his view points numerous times throughout his time in command, and didn't even himself fit the description of the Aryan race). It's something I wish I had the power to do, to stand so rigidly against literally the entire world.
There are days when I see the hatred Christians have towards atheists, towards abortion doctors (killing them), towards the gay community, and I wonder if the world would be better if they were eradicated. To myself, I think yes, but would I ever go wipe out a race? No.
I'm certainly the minority here, but I did a fair amount of hobbyist type reading/research on Hitler throughout high school, and I have a simultaneous admiration and disgust for him. At the end of it all though, he was not in my mind a great person.
He essentially brainwashed the people, and used there hatred of the Versais treaty and ther hatred of thw WWI allies to gain power. He causes the extermination of 6.5 Million Jews, and 5 million others (gypsys, mentally challenged, etc). No he wasnt a gread person. And was a HORRIBLE strategist. If he hadnt commanded his army to inniate the battle of the bulge, he could have held out for almost another 6 months. Indirectly, he killed over 75 Million allied troops in the European and African Theatre, not to mention thousands of civilians in poland, england, russia, etc.
The other 50 odd million allied deaths were in the pacific theatre, and thus Imperial Japans 'fault'.
Stalingrad was a lost cause; over the winter, supplies were dogsled'd over on a frozen lake.
Russia...omg...he attacked in the winter, saying it would take him 8 weeks to conquer it. 8 weeks later, there barely a fourth of the way across, and then the winter hits. What stopped Napolian, stopped hitler. The dreaded russian winter. so while hitlers armies stood at a standstill, they all froze to death in the first month bucause they wern't givven any winther clothing, and by the time fur's taken from jew and conquered peoples got there, they were frozen stiff. Supplies where in bad condition and frozen, and engines froze if they wernt left running over night, which hitler viewed as a waste of gas that could have been used to power his armored division (panzers, tigers, King tigers)
on the other hand, Russia used 'human waves' to essentialy over run the german positions. this amounts for the Russians having the highest casuilties of the war.
Hitler did what god told him to, he was a good christian and an aspiring artist (until the nazi came). Personally, I even think his genocide was awesome! I mean, manipulating people for a better earth, then turning the jews world into HELL? For a person like me, that's something to be respected.
those who think of him as a good person should think about this following things. How would you like to -be taken away from your family -robbed of all your wealth -mentally and physically tortured -thought of as less than animals -killed for just living
If your answer to any of those are yes than go ahead and say hitler is a great person but if not, then be quiet