ForumsWEPRUnion Or Confederate? Civil War discussion and the truth for all those who still believe your teachers...

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I support the CSA but thats because when you get past all the dumb lies your history books tell you they really where the good(well good est)side in the war, that war was not about Slavery, more men died than every US war ever combined! So you can't say that so many men died for freeing slaves or keeping them... Any Historian or just plain smart person would know the real story, that the south was fighting for Independence just like the Colonists in the Revolution, they where fighting for rights and freedom not slavery and what not.
And the Union was fighting to keep the country together as one not to free slaves which they did not care one bit about when it came to the man who was dying out in the field or to really any Union leader, sure Lincoln cared about them but he even said that it wasan't something he was gonna fight over ever.
And sure the CS lost but they fighted much more fiercely and bravely and where fighting to defend their homes and true American freedom, and in my opinion it was a war where the Good Guys lost cause they where outnumbered, if you ever see paintings and pics you always see southerners in anything they could find to wear cause well they where rebels, but now days people on both sides act like the other wasant American especialy southerners, but they need to remember that their own General, General Lee even said that something they tend to forget is that they both are american, so if the veterans at the anniversary in Gettysburg in the 20s and 30's could shake hands and laugh and admit they where brothers than why cant we do that 200 hundred some years later and learn the truth about it in school, cause when ever were in the civil war in history i always have to do the same speech about how it actauly went and what they where actauly fighting for.
If you disagree than iam sorry but you are very ignorant and may as well stay in the 1st grade since thats all you seem to want to know about the most bloody and emotional war this Country of ours have fought.

  • 136 Replies
332 posts

1. Fox News, March 14, 2007.
2. Godhates***, "The Truth of The Inauguration Speech," April 5, 2008.[i]

Probably two of the most bullshit sources on the planet. I don't care who I piss off with that statement, but I don't believe one damn word they say

197 posts

drace the confederate flags background is red...

588 posts

drace the confederate flags background is red...

Fun fact: The confederate flag was changed to red immediatley after the surrender of the confederate forces, and the green color was covered up.
653 posts

Well slavery was a big reason behind the American civil war whether or not you wanna believe it. No, Lincoln didn't love the black man and slavery was an issue that he didn't wanna have to deal with.

And sure the CS lost but they fighted much more fiercely and bravely and where fighting to defend their homes and true American freedom

there was a big rift between the south and the north, most southerners volunteered because they felt that they were defending their homeland not fighting for slavery which pretty much was the case so in the south's mindset they were fighting for "true American freedom"
356 posts

Interestingly enough slavery did not end in the slightest after the civil war, it just took on different forms. Laws were created that specifically targeted black people, and when they couldn't pay they would be made into indentured servants for their crimes...pretty sick if you ask me.

653 posts

i'm sorry but is not a site that anyone should use as a reference from what i understand its run by fred phelps who also runs westboro baptist church which is considered a hate group by the anti-defamation league and the southern poverty law center

5,579 posts

i'm sorry but godhates*** is not a site that anyone should use as a reference from what i understand its run by fred phelps who also runs westboro baptist church which is considered a hate group by the anti-defamation league and the southern poverty law center

Yes, and they are also anti-american d*ckwads (excuse the language) and are a cult comprised almost entirely of one family. Also, they call down dead soldiers coming from Afghanistan and Iraq and call them fags. What's my source you may ask? There's a show called (whatever there family name is): America's most hated family and for all I care their going to hell.

OK, now my opinion. The Civil War was probably the best and worst thing that ever happened to this country. The good thing is it kept this country together. The bad thing is it also ignited even more racism. The KKK even came out of the after math. So, it was a good thing, and a bad thing.
16,587 posts

they should really give you a merit for all this. well i think slavory

10,816 posts

Some posts may have been deleted. Oh, my bad! I did it!


Well, specifically because f**s is a censored word and the picture of those flags had it uncensored, in the URL.

I'm not American, so I'm not going to comment on the Civil War because it has no relevance to me. However I will warn people that since the Westboro Church and sits like godhates****.com are identified as hate sites, we will consider persistent and positive promotion of material related to them to be in violation of AG user policy, particularly if said material is hateful or condones discrimination. Discuss them with caution.

Got it?

138 posts

i am doing a research paper on the civil war they were fighting to get rid of slavery for good. even though many southerners didn't participate in slavery that was the reason, and Lincoln did care about slavery or else why do you think he signed the Emancipation Proclamation .

588 posts

i am doing a research paper on the civil war they were fighting to get rid of slavery for good. even though many southerners didn't participate in slavery that was the reason, and Lincoln did care about slavery or else why do you think he signed the Emancipation Proclamation .

Your grade: F

They wern't fighting to free the slaves
4,097 posts

Your grade: F

Not really...a paper isn't graded solely on whether or not the information is true or not. It's also graded on development, organization, etc. But that's unrelated.

They were fighting to free the slaves, whether or not this was the main reason can be debated.
653 posts

Lincoln said it himself that he would use force if necessary to keep the union together

588 posts

They were fighting to free the slaves, whether or not this was the main reason can be debated.

No they wern't
129 posts

First off, the Union was fighting to free the slaves, but it wasn't THE MAIN REASON why the Civil War was fought.

To answer the question of who I would support, well, to me, there isn't a clear answer. Both sides, CSA and Union-(USA)-were fighting for what they believed. The Union was fighting to keep the country intact, and the Confederates were fighting for their rights. The Confederates also got alot of supports from the Indians in the western theater, who also were fighting for their rights.

Normally, I woulds say that it was wrong of the South to break off of the country. However, the constitution doesn't say whether or not a state can secede from the country, therefore, they weren't breaking any laws when they seceded, they were merely doing what they thought was best.

Therefore, the conclusion is that both sides fought for what they thought was best, for what they thought was right. Therefore, even though I am glad the Union eventually won so out country remained intact, I lean towards no sides in my support.

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