ForumsWEPRUnion Or Confederate? Civil War discussion and the truth for all those who still believe your teachers...

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197 posts

I support the CSA but thats because when you get past all the dumb lies your history books tell you they really where the good(well good est)side in the war, that war was not about Slavery, more men died than every US war ever combined! So you can't say that so many men died for freeing slaves or keeping them... Any Historian or just plain smart person would know the real story, that the south was fighting for Independence just like the Colonists in the Revolution, they where fighting for rights and freedom not slavery and what not.
And the Union was fighting to keep the country together as one not to free slaves which they did not care one bit about when it came to the man who was dying out in the field or to really any Union leader, sure Lincoln cared about them but he even said that it wasan't something he was gonna fight over ever.
And sure the CS lost but they fighted much more fiercely and bravely and where fighting to defend their homes and true American freedom, and in my opinion it was a war where the Good Guys lost cause they where outnumbered, if you ever see paintings and pics you always see southerners in anything they could find to wear cause well they where rebels, but now days people on both sides act like the other wasant American especialy southerners, but they need to remember that their own General, General Lee even said that something they tend to forget is that they both are american, so if the veterans at the anniversary in Gettysburg in the 20s and 30's could shake hands and laugh and admit they where brothers than why cant we do that 200 hundred some years later and learn the truth about it in school, cause when ever were in the civil war in history i always have to do the same speech about how it actauly went and what they where actauly fighting for.
If you disagree than iam sorry but you are very ignorant and may as well stay in the 1st grade since thats all you seem to want to know about the most bloody and emotional war this Country of ours have fought.

  • 136 Replies
424 posts

The war was mainly over keeping the country together. It was not realy fought over slavery. The slaves were freed more as a punishment for the south then as a morale choice.

5,043 posts

You say that the South were the better guys. Why? Because they faught for freedom? The freedom to mainstain slavery?

Do you know why the South threatened to secede? They threatened to secede because the North did not support slavery and because they were limiting the spread of slavery.

So maybe the North did fight to keep the country from splitting, but they were trying to conceal slavery and prevent it from spreading before the war started. They did not plan on freeing the slaves, but they faught to keep slavery from spreading.

I am glad someone told you the truth about the North fighting to preserve the country, but you fail to realize that the war was about slavery, and just because the south wanted to have their freedom does NOT make them "good" guys. Don't consider every person who rebels a good guy. Rebelion is not always a good thing. Rebelion is not always for freedom. Sometimes, like in the South's case, rebelion is had to preserve the freedom to maintain slavery.

Brush up on your American History a tad bit more. Learn that control is not always a bad thing to be had.

3,562 posts

It was not realy fought over slavery. The slaves were freed more as a punishment for the south then as a morale choice.

actually Lincoln eventually made it a war against slavery because it was convenient.
2,180 posts

The South fought the war out of a thinking that their economy would be shot to $hit without their slaves. THAT is the reason for the Civil War.

To be honest, they couldn't be faulted for thinking that, because that's exactly what happened. Southern capital was heavily concentrated in the form of slaves. In fact, slave owners did not actually abuse their slaves to the extent that it has been exaggerated precisely because of their great monetary value. After the Civil War, the Southern economy nosedived. Only through the help of Northern "carpetbaggers" who helped build a better industrial base did the "New South" arise.
1,523 posts

Southern capital was heavily concentrated in the form of slaves. In fact, slave owners did not actually abuse their slaves to the extent that it has been exaggerated precisely because of their great monetary value.

Have you read "Beloved" by Toni Morrison? I recommend you do, because although it is a work of fiction, it gives an extremely accurate report of what slave life would be like. Although the book also delves into the genre of magic realism, much of what the characters have been through that is somewhat realistic has been proven to have happened to many other slaves.
588 posts

who helped build a better industrial base did the "New South" arise.

So the South did rise again.
2,180 posts

Don't misinterpret the "New South." Strictly speaking it's meant to provide a direct contrast to the Old South, economically and socially, not really of any Confederate rising.

As for the Toni Morrison, Zootsuit_riot, I'm not very well versed in African American literature. I will see if I can check it out from the library.

10,816 posts

Learn that control is not always a bad thing to be had.

The man speaks!

...sorry, I had to say it. Besides, I've turned into the man too. Deal with it or we'll deal with you :P
55 posts

The main reason for the Civil War was States Rights. Abraham Lincoln was elected solely by the Northern States. Every southern state voted against him and every northern state voted for him. The South felt they were not represented fairly and left. Abraham Lincoln was quoted saying

I would save the Union. I would save it the shortest way under the Constitution. The sooner the national authority can be restored; the nearer the Union will be "the Union as it was." ... My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause. I shall try to correct errors when shown to be errors; and I shall adopt new views so fast as they shall appear to be true views. I have here stated my purpose according to my view of official duty; and I intend no modification of my oft-expressed personal wish that all men everywhere could be free.
9,821 posts

The main reason for the Civil War was States Rights. Abraham Lincoln was elected solely by the Northern States. Every southern state voted against him and every northern state voted for him. The South felt they were not represented fairly and left. Abraham Lincoln was quoted saying

Well, the conservative states should secede because Barack got elected! The guy they were pulling for didn't get elected, so they weren't fairly represented! Whiny Southerners, they were. . . .
1,455 posts

Well, the conservative states should secede because Barack got elected!

Starting with Texas lol
451 posts

I agree that the south tried to succeed for independence. I also agree that one of the reasons was for slavery.

356 posts

The Union is better because the confederates didn't have shoes, and so they got these worms that went into their bodies through their feet and gave them what they call "southern anemia". I can't remember what kind of worm...

4,097 posts

more men died than every US war ever combined!

What does that have to do with what the war was about? And it's more US men...not men in general, just so you know.
9,821 posts

Sure, delude yourself that they had the right idea. The CSA was being whiny, and while a lot of their economy was based on slavery, it was an antiquated system and wouldn't work forever anyway.

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