Agreement... I agree because it is a bad thing for people to do. And even if it legal, it is against the Law so that if they do watch pornography, the are breaking the Law. I also think it should be illegal because in the Bible it says, PORN IS BAD!
Disagree... I disagree because sometimes pornography is good. For example, when you are at a Sperm Bank, where do you think the sperm came from? You probably would suggest that the male used pornography to masturbate causing the sperm to come out. So, pornography could be used for a good thing.
The reason why I think the topic is stupid, is that no mater what you do, say, or change on this forum, you are at best informing a small group of people. In no way will we ever see a vote, or be given a chance, to decide if Porn should be illegal. Most cities can keep XXX book stores and strip clubs out, but they are along the city limits. Now it's easy access online. So what are we really discussing here?
Is Pornography Evil?
Is there a Limit to what should be availible, and why?
LOL, I think too many politicians are under too much pressure to give up their porn. Why else are there sex scandals quarterly? It's a high pressure job..
Talo, I think the topic may be addressing all reasons why pornography should be illegal or why it should not be illegal. I'm slightly confused as well, but I think it comes down to morality and religious issues.
yes. it should be goes agianst the bible, and if our constitution says we have reliogeous freedom, it should only mean that if we stay true to the teachings of the bible,or the torah or any other reliogeous book. however some would argue that is an artform, and if it is not to graphic, sure, i'll buy that but if it is a *heavaly sencored and so detailed that would make any porn star blush* no. unless your athiest, then drowned your self with it.its adultery, plain and simple
So it's against the bible. That doesn't mean it should be illegal - and before you rally on:
pledge of aledience,E.G-one nation UNDER GOD
It's not even relevant in the U.S.A. because there's a distinct separation of church and state. So the bible says that good christians don't watch porn. Fine.. then you can *not* watch porn, but it doesn't give you the right to enforce that rule on others - not everyone is a christian. As for your remark about:
i dont have to watch naked weomen to get my kicks like all of the perverted sinners defending it.
And I don't feel the need to force my views on others like all the religious bigots out there.
The topic is purely discussing the legality of pornography, and if it should be made (or kept in the countries it already is) illegal. A different topic was created off of this one which discusses if it's evil; I don't remember the title.. something like 'is pornography immoral'? *shrugs*.
Most of the arguments wound up being whether those who have religious beliefs have the right to legislate it as illegal in a country where the church does not have absolute power, and whether there are any secular arguments (increase/decrease in rape or sexual violence) that made a convincing case for it to be illegal.
My answers "No" plain and simple no cause if porn was illegal then how would teenagers learn everything that they know about sex if they had nothing to umm "Research"? plus plus if porn was illegal then 2 billion people in the world woould be arrested...think about
I gotta say NO, because like Hulk said most children get their knowledge of sex from the internet before the talk, thats how I got everything I know, my parents never gave me the talk, same with my friends we never had to suffer through that awkwardness of sitting there with our parents and discussing sex, (THATS WHY WE HAVE FAMILY LIFE!) Sorry couldn't resist...anyway doesn't the first ammendment say all that stuff about the freedom of speech and such meaning that it actually would be unconstitutional to make porn illegal.
I think we can do everything within the boundaries of the constitution and the Bible. NOt everyone is christian, so they can do w/e they want. It shouldn't be illegal, but people should know the limits they put to it, and parents control how they raise their children. We all know about sex one way or another, its just how we are brought up, and how our parents raise us. Thats why they have parental controls on the computer, and why some dads throw a Hustler magazine at their coming of age son so he doesn' personally have to explain the long grueling and uncomfortable talk about sex.
and why some dads throw a Hustler magazine at their coming of age son so he doesn' personally have to explain the long grueling and uncomfortable talk about sex.
we won't make any difference talking about it on a flash gaming site
get thousands of people and protest if you want it to be stopped lol