ForumsWEPRShould Pornography be Illegal?

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Do you think that pornography should be illegal?

I agree and disagree.

I agree because it is a bad thing for people to do. And even if it legal, it is against the Law so that if they do watch pornography, the are breaking the Law. I also think it should be illegal because in the Bible it says, PORN IS BAD!

I disagree because sometimes pornography is good. For example, when you are at a Sperm Bank, where do you think the sperm came from? You probably would suggest that the male used pornography to masturbate causing the sperm to come out. So, pornography could be used for a good thing.

  • 417 Replies
5,845 posts

If a young kid is watching porn at the age of 12-14 then, I would call it bad parenting, watch your kid's.

I'm eleven, and I've seen some things. Why did you put the 12-14 ratio?

Anyways, I don't know. Child pornography should be illegal, but otherwise... It should probably be legal. You should be able to choose what you watch, and it's up to you to make those decisions. Anyways, if it is illegal, people will still watch it. That's that.
3,562 posts

If a young kid is watching porn at the age of 12-14 then, I would call it bad parenting, watch your kid's.

not really... It is almost impossible to watch your kids all the time. Plus when your children go into the real world they will be really under prepared...
2,917 posts

ok, ill say it for all of us, we've all watched porn. and most likley liked it. little kids typing in "naked people" on the web. you cant hinder that.

4,097 posts

little kids typing in "naked people" on the web"

Lol, my little brother did that last year (he was 12) and my mom freaked our and grounded hm for like 6 months. I thought that was a bit rediculous, she should have just talked to him about it.

I've aleady posted my views on the subject, and I would debate with some people by that's kind of hard to do on an iPod. Just wanted to say that so that people wouldn't attack me for posting something semi-unrelated.
3,562 posts

ok, ill say it for all of us, we've all watched porn. and most likley liked it. little kids typing in "naked people" on the web. you cant hinder that.

My dad would be like, "can I join you?"

not really.... but Generally when parents discover that has happened, they give the birds and the bees talk.
3,722 posts

not really.... but Generally when parents discover that has happened, they give the birds and the bees talk.

Lol, note to kids: if your parents give you the talk AFTER catching you looking at porn, say to them after the talk, "No, really?".
38 posts

It shouldn't be illegal, like its not hurting anyone...unless its that hardcore stuff..

But if people wanna get naked and do stuff in front of a camera and sell it on the internet, They should go right ahead

1,455 posts

not really.... but Generally when parents discover that has happened, they give the birds and the bees talk.

What an awkward way to get the talk. Then again, any way to get the talk is awkward, but:
"What the hell? Is that pronography?"
"Dad, I didn't know! I thought they were just changing and then..."
"I think it's time I told you about sex, son."
3,562 posts

So, everyone that has ever seen any pornography is addicted to it? That's quite a statement. Hope you can back it up.

Well I think it should be legal, but I wanted to clarify to Hiddendistance that what I mean by causing addictions, was that people become dependent on pornography. An addiction here is defined as something that affects a normal routine. The Pornography induces an addiction sometimes like drugs and video games (same effects, will get evidence when My dad gets home, then again I will be home around 11 partying...)
5,845 posts

What an awkward way to get the talk. Then again, any way to get the talk is awkward, but:
"What the hell? Is that pronography?"
"Dad, I didn't know! I thought they were just changing and then..."
"I think it's time I told you about sex, son."

That's when you say 'Oh don't bother, I already know. You stick ya d*** in and pee in the girl'
1,310 posts

An addiction here is defined as something that affects a normal routine.

ad - dic -tion:
the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.

The key notes I think would be the word 'enslaved' and 'cessation causes severe trauma'.

Plenty of people have a lot of different activities, beverages they drink, things they like to do - that aren't mentally or physically crippled when they stop doing those activities or ingesting those substances.

My point is that it's not an 'addiction'.

Let's say for a second that it was true (which it just isn't) - pornography was very addicting - this still hasn't been established as a bad thing, and there is legal precedent for other substances readily & legally available that are addicting, and what's more, proven as harmful. The example I'd use here would be cigarettes.

You can buy them pretty much anywhere once you're of age. They damage your health, and they have chemicals in them that are *meant* to addict the user - and it's still perfectly legal.
9,434 posts

That's when you say 'Oh don't bother, I already know. You stick ya d*** in and pee in the girl'
Well if she's into 'watersports'....

Porn is a great thing for those single strait male's out there, or very adventurous couples.
I'm ttly considering taking offense here or all the other groups of people who watch porn. Point: Not just single straight males and adventurous couples.

if you don't like Porn, don't force others to not be able to enjoy it, just disregard it.
For some reason it seems that the majority off people are not able to do that. Not just regarding porn.

It shouldn't be illegal, like its not hurting anyone...unless its that hardcore stuff..
If you're referring to stuff like bdsm vids, most of the time the actors have it safely under control. The more - gory ones, uhm... Eck.

PORN should be developed to young ppl, then there won't be too many homossexuals
I almost lol'd. Then I realized you might be serious. Heck, some think raping lesbians will make them straight. . .

This can also lead up to minors have sex. As they get older, they will get closer and closer till they really do have it, not saying that all of them will though but some.
When minors become older they usually stop being minors.

I believe not a single girl want to do porn, the trafficking system is cruel. When u see a girl **** a horse or dog. It's not human. Shemale and gangbang.

Porn is good yes i admit it i like it, but do they who do that really enjoy it? It's insane.

You'd be surprised. Though most porn is probably there for the guys and thus geared towards them - there are slutty and perverted girls out there.

Whether or not the actors enjoy it varies. Stuff like DP is as far as I've heard quite demanding of the actress, and hardcore scenes can obviously be outright painful (better hope she's a masochist).

now, what do u think we can do about it to help?
Help who?

Sorry, I'll clarrify. I mean that masturbating may cause you to be happy ONLY when you're alone, and when you're around others, you'll feel cold, indifferent, left out, etc.
Doesn't happen immediately, but making this a routine isn't, in my opinion, emotionally healthy.
Masturbation does not equal happiness.
Masturbation grants physical satisfaction, and that's pretty much it. It may leave a smile on your face because it felt good, but it can't replace emotional happiness. It's just not comparable.

It's true that a few gets so addicted to the feeling of climax that they prefer masturbation above all other stimuli, but those few are rare. It also has little to do with porn.

Man, there's more posts I kinda wanna post response to, but I think that's far enough back...

And HiddenDistance, I like what you've done in this thread.
1,455 posts

It also has little to do with porn.

Yeah, I know. I made some point about that and got into a separate debate.
Anyway, I do think porn should be legal. I certainly don't agree with it, but it only really affects the person watching it.
3,562 posts

If you're referring to stuff like bdsm vids, most of the time the actors have it safely under control. The more - gory ones, uhm... Eck.

they are professional actors. They can handle a little frosting here and there.
789 posts

I'm not saying I watch porn, which I don't, but that is how many people make alot of money, and that is their career.

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