By now, most of you know me and how I like to discuss and debate religion.
I've read a book called The New Believers and it discusses alternative Christian religions.
This is the link here (basic information on the book anyway): [url=!horizon&view=subscriptionsummary&uri=full=3100001~!196361~!1&ri=1&aspect=subtab83&menu=search&ipp=20&spp=20&staffonly=&term=Alternative+Religions&index=.GW&uindex=&aspect=subtab83&menu=search&ri=1&limitbox_1=LO01+%3D+se#focus]
It had a small section on a group called Jesus Army and it didn't say very much about it. I was just wondering if anyone knew anything about this group and I'm also willing to turn this into another debate/discussion. Other information on them is appreciated.
Edit: The link didn't work so I'm just going to paste it here because I tried using the link button and it didn't work... Just paste it in the address bar to bring it up.
Anywho here it is again...!horizon&view=subscriptionsummary&uri=full=3100001~!196361~!1&ri=1&aspect=subtab83&menu=search&ipp=20&spp=20&staffonly=&term=Alternative+Religions&index=.GW&uindex=&aspect=subtab83&menu=search&ri=1&limitbox_1=LO01+%3D+se#focus
The image doesn't show up on school computers for some stupid reason... I'll have to look at home.
The book didn't say much about them, and thats why I'm wondering. In this 3rd edition they forced the author to take out all the information he had in the 2nd edition and I can't find that one.
I hadn't heard of them, but I did some looking around online. Apparently, Jesus' Army is simply a part of the Jesus Fellowship Church - the part that does street-level ministry. So to become a member, you would actually be joining this Fellowship Church thingy. This sort of aggressive religious campaigning is always unsettling to me and their name bring up many questions - namely: "Why does Jesus need an army?" I wonder if it's modeled after the Salvation Army... If you really want to be actively involved in the ministry of the word of god, then I suppose these people can find a spot for you. I don't agree with luring indigent peoples into your church, though, or anyone else for that matter.
I believe that goal of the "jesus army" is to wage war against the non believers metaphorically speaking. Basically they go out and convert people house to house. Instead of hoping people would wander in from the streets to church on a sunday.
And in saying that, you contradict yourself... lol.
More or less on topic: I do wonder... is Christianity the only religion which has this many 'branches'? All stem from one root - the bible - yet the interpretations can be so different between them. While this isn't too different from other religions, Christians seem compelled to have a specific name and church for it. I wonder if other religions have a specific church for each of those different branches as well.
(note: I'm atheist, so I don't know 100% what I'm talking about. Sorry if I offended anyone.)