ForumsWEPRIs religion nessecary

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Well, its not to me. God gave me the gift of life, I come into the world. Then my grandma gets me saved. I'm then forced to go through 13 years of school full of hateful kids, making fun of me all day. Girls look at me like I'm a freak, They use me as a threat. (example: If your not quiet I'll sick Sean on you. That came from a teacher)
I'm 17 and no girlfriend ever. I've even tried praying for a break: "Please god, I just want to be respected. Some one to like me, someone to treat me like I deserve." Nothing, I just got beat up that next day. Well, now I'm an Ex-Christian, (saved) who is condemned to unhappiness, condemned to hate, and condemned to hell.

So if your into psychology, a reverend, or deeply into religion, please try to help me figure out why god hates me, and of course elaborate on the topic.

  • 62 Replies
1,455 posts

I think that most people at one point or another fall back on religion hoping that a greater being will help them. Some religious people believe that if you pray, God will give you the strength to solve your problems or go through it. My question is, if the belief in God and praying really can give you strength, then is it not the power of belief that gives you strength and not God.

I don't. I don't need God's help on earth because I believe in heaven. Whether it's belief or God that gives me strength, it works, so why would I stop?
God will not come down and create a miracle for you, you have to do something about your problem, no matter how hard it is, I think you need to solve your problems physically.

But religion gives many people strength, so for some people, it is necessary.
About going to hell, why would some almighty being in the sky really condemn you to hell for eternity for committing 'evil' that is indeterminable from the goodness of man on the scale of goodness where god is infinitely good? It seems very harsh and farfetched

In Christian faith, you go to Hell if you know you did wrong and do not repent it. Why is being punished for what you agree is wrong and what you will not apologize for harsh and farfetched?
486 posts

Well, I'm just saying my opinion and I'm not trying to persuade anyone. Different people will believe different things and I respect that.

I don't believe in heaven and hell. However, I have my own sets of morals and if I were to go against what I truly believe to be morally right, I will have to undo what harm I have caused. Otherwise it will haunt me for the rest of my life. This is or similar to an idealism I hope many atheists adopt because society is a lot better if people think of the consequences of their actions before committing them

338 posts

Yes God is testing you to see if you are faithful to him it may seem like he abandoned you but he is testing you. Hard times never last forever.

I always thought that was selfish, thinking god cares about you enough to test you. Why would an infinite being care about one person on, one planet...oh you get the point.

But I guess it makes people feel good when they think they are important.
1,455 posts

I always thought that was selfish, thinking god cares about you enough to test you. Why would an infinite being care about one person on, one planet...oh you get the point.

Everybody has a test. Some come in different shapes and forms. Um, planet? If you mean there might be life on other planets... how does that even remotely apply to the discussion?
But I guess it makes people feel good when they think they are important.

Everyone is important, some just choose not to do what they should.
338 posts

Everybody has a test. Some come in different shapes and forms. Um, planet? If you mean there might be life on other planets... how does that even remotely apply to the discussion

One person, on one of the many plants out there etc. etc. Why would god care about us at all? Its just selfish. And you dont KNOW if 'god' testing you.

Everyone is important, some just choose not to do what they should.

Nope, we really dont matter at all in the long run. We will die and then maybe 4-5 generation from then even our family wont know our name.
13 posts

My. Where do I start.

First off, ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? Christianity isn't about sliding through life on a playground slide with a lollipop in one hand and the Gospel in another, praying every time that something goes wrong and expecting God to fix every single problem on a whim!

(Alright, sorry about that, whenever I see someone misinterpreting God, or Christianity, or the Bible, I have to blow off steam and make myself heard somehow or I'll be completely illogical, biased, and filled-with-acrimony for awhile, and clearly that's not going to help you.)

Onto the matter with a level head, then:

I can't say for sure, and forgive me for presuming, but to me, it seems like you are (or were, as the case may be) more of a fair-weather Christian than anything else. I've seen and heard of many people who abandon God because of troubles in their lives; I'm friends with one for that matter. Just look around for yourself: the band "The Fray" has a song about feeling like God has abandoned whoever wrote it, and plenty of other people do things similar to what you've done. The problem is that Christianity (as I mentioned before) is not supposed to be a joyride or something shoved onto the back burner which you pick up every time goes wrong (now again, I'm sorry for presuming, and for all I know you're nothing like this). Jesus specifically said that it's going to be tough ("Pick up your cross and follow me..." as the verse goes). Now, perhaps that doesn't exactly apply to your admittedly excrutiating situation, but at the least, it should tell you that life as a Christian is no cakewalk (look what they do to Christians in Islamic states and China, for heaven's sake).

Anyway, you say that you've "even tried praying for a break," an action which I can't condemn. And I understand that you feel like God's abandoned, or ignored, or just flat out hates you, but trust me, that's about as far from the truth as possible. God answers every prayer, not just the ones that he approves. Here's the thing though: sometimes he says no. Just because you want something, even if you want it with all your being, that does not mean that you should have it. Think about it. Don't you like, say, candy, for instance? It tastes good, and it's certainly desirable. However, what we desire is not always what is good for us. After you eat an amount of candy, though you've enjoyed it, now you have a mouth full of cavities. You wanted it, but it was bad for you in the end. Do you like going to the dentist and having your teeth drilled out in agonizing pain to get a filling? Of course not! But it is good for you. Granted, that's a rather puerile analogy, but it applies to your situation. Here's an option: have you ever tried to pray for the strength to get through these difficult times? People are always asking God, "Oh God, deliver me from this, and that, and that over there too, and if you could at least diminish these problems right here, oh and I wouldn't mind a new computer while you're at it," (Let me say right now that that is HYPERBOLE. Don't take it seriously in any way apart from what I'm trying to say). That sort of prayer is just a stereotype by now. I don't blame you for doing it, however, to the contrary. I encourage it. It does produce results, sometimes. But how about this: try to go with what God has planned for you, not what you have planned for you. He's omniscient, for goodness's sake! It's like how the Bible says that God's weakness is stronger than man's strength, and His foolishness is smarter than man's intelligence (something along the lines of that). Do you think that your plan is better than his? Ask him for the strength to follow with what he wants for you (trust me, what he has for you is immensely better than you could ever imagine for yourself), and things will go in a much better way for you.

Honestly, if I could tell you everything about why you should give God a second try, and so on and so on, I'm pretty sure that I could convince you. But I know that if I go on like this and jabber on about how "Christianity is the best don't be an atheist idiot go to Jesus blah blah blah blah BLAH!" that would have the worst possible effect ever. I am almost entirely certain that every atheist reading this post has been shaking their heads and shouting, "You callow, idiotic, freaking religious FOOL!" or something along the lines of that, and that you've been doing something quite similar. Honestly, who's going to listen to some random 15-year-old nerd with opinionated ideas and internet access? So I won't bother with that.

Instead, I ask you only to do one thing: go to your pastor (Come on, you have to have had a pastor, you said it yourself that you went through thirteen years of "school full of hateful kids," don't tell me that you never went to church for all that time. However, I would suggest going to a completely non-denominational church for that; if you go to a Roman Catholic church or something, you'll get absolutely nothing of help) or family or whatever and talk to them about your problems. Honestly, right now, I'm begging you to go and do something like this soon; I don't want for you to have to live through life without God and the virtual hell that comes with it (trust me, it's a lot worse (my mom wouldn't be a sixteenth of the woman she is today if she hadn't found God)). When I look at you, I see a sight I've seen so many times before that I've lost count (No, I do not actually keep count. Don't bug me about that.) I've heard of and found so many people who are so lost and confused and nonplussed and hurting that they find themselves feeling like God hates them, or that He doesn't care or something like that that it's become a cliché by now. All I'm asking you is just one simple visit to someone that might maybe be able to help you that might take up something like two hours of your 60-year-long-or-so life.

I'm done now.

13 posts

Oh, I should probably clarify one thing: when I said that "that doesn't exactly apply to your admittedly excrutiating situation," I was talking about the pick-up-your-cross thing within the parentheses.

Now I really am finished. (Wow, that last post was long!)

1,532 posts

People look at you in disgust...
Girls think your a freak...
You get made fun of....
You get beat up...
Wow...your really a sad little being arent you? In my opinion, I think your even more pathetic for complaining and looking down on yourself! Man, get out there. Do things. Make a difference. You get made fun of, brush it off. not gonna last forever. You get beat up, fight back. Dont just take it. Girls dont like you...? Yeah, so? Girls are the worlds main sense of happiness? (Okay in some points of time) but cmon that doesnt mean you can t be a player in the real world.

All im saying is highschool is highschool. These things happen. Thats no reason to stop being a christian. In the bible, their was a story about a man (Job, i think) And the devil tested god, so god took away everything job had, his family, animals, gave him nothing. But in the longrun, he got everything back twice as good for still being faithful. Just live life out like you want to. Because no ones going to make yourself popular. you can only do that.

198 posts

hear hear...

890 posts

Don't feel bad about not having friends. The reason certain people have more friends than others is because of interests.

The girl going out thing- trust me. The only time girls go out with guys is in highschool/middleschool is because of how they look. If I were you, I'd go out with a girl that actually cares, not about how you look, but about who you are.

I am sort of like you

I get bullied in school(Not beat up but pushed around and made fun of)

Only have 1 friend.

My siblings hate me for no reason.

I'm a middle child so my parents neglect me.

I'm a porn addict(Just Joking).

All I have to say is life sucks. That's why we become emo(Just Kidding Again).

1,532 posts

All I have to say is life sucks. That's why we become emo

Lol nice
3,562 posts

First off, ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? Christianity isn't about sliding through life on a playground slide with a lollipop in one hand and the Gospel in another, praying every time that something goes wrong and expecting God to fix every single problem on a whim!

true, it is not all fun and games. People would know this if they are baptized (they even ask if you sure you are ready, because the path with god will be a rough one)

He's omniscient, for goodness's sake! It's like how the Bible says that God's weakness is stronger than man's strength, and His foolishness is smarter than man's intelligence (something along the lines of that)

well, the question arises, is it possible for god to strike down a man who curses his name? If he were truly "Omniscient". And yet in the world today, of sex booze and drugs, little of God's omniscient presence is seen anywhere at all.
1,455 posts

My motto is turn the other cheek. Tell me did you fight back? Did you? Did you talk to anyone? God doesn't fix your problems for you. He gives you a chance to fix them. If you ask for patience or happiness, God doesn't zap you with good feeling and warm fuzziness. He gives you the chance to be patient.

Turning the other cheek stops the conflict. If you hit them back, guess what they'll do? They'll probably hit you again. Violenece only adds to the conflict, so this method actually works when you're in a fight.
*waits for a rude person to contradict and flame my posts, trust me every post I make like this get beaten down by two or three people*

Hope I didn't do that here, I just wanted to make a point with one thing you said.
3,562 posts

My motto is turn the other cheek.

sometimes turning the cheek, makes you into someones (female dog) and they'll end up still beating you down...
1,416 posts

Life was pretty crappy for me until I left High School. Just wait it out, even if it seems like forever. College was the best time of my life. Go there, make friends, party your rear end off, and get a degree.

Showing 31-45 of 62