ForumsWEPRIs religion nessecary

62 9378
928 posts

Well, its not to me. God gave me the gift of life, I come into the world. Then my grandma gets me saved. I'm then forced to go through 13 years of school full of hateful kids, making fun of me all day. Girls look at me like I'm a freak, They use me as a threat. (example: If your not quiet I'll sick Sean on you. That came from a teacher)
I'm 17 and no girlfriend ever. I've even tried praying for a break: "Please god, I just want to be respected. Some one to like me, someone to treat me like I deserve." Nothing, I just got beat up that next day. Well, now I'm an Ex-Christian, (saved) who is condemned to unhappiness, condemned to hate, and condemned to hell.

So if your into psychology, a reverend, or deeply into religion, please try to help me figure out why god hates me, and of course elaborate on the topic.

  • 62 Replies
3,224 posts

All I have to say is life sucks.

Life does suck. In order to overcome this you need to replace your filters and dump regularly. Life blowing is easier to deal with, just as long as you keep moving parts oiled and the intake filter clean.
928 posts

Im not going to college, Im getting into anatomy, and other biological sciences so I can join the army as a medic, I have a strong stomach, I mean I made it through 1 guy 1 cup without a gagging or puking

424 posts

If you don't believe in God then you go to hell. If you don't want that to happen then its nessecary.

3,562 posts

Oh goodness no! Turn the other FACE cheek not butt cheek lol.

never meant butt cheek, what I meant was, if you turn you cheek once, people will walk all over you, because you are passive.

A b.itch is defined as almost an errand boy in this case.
52 posts

I don't think religion is necessary, and this is coming from an Agnostic. HOWEVER, I do also believe that to some people, religion is something more worthwhile. It's not a necessity to being "saved," or whatever you want to say that is, but it gives people a sense of hope. They believe God will be there for them in the darkest times, and it gets people through things.

Then there are people like me. I don't have a religion, because I've lived fine so far without it. I have an average life with average drama and tragedies; no worship included. I'm not about to hammer people for going to church, though, because if it helps them or makes them happy, then I say go for it.

653 posts

i believe it was Voltaire who said "if there was no god, it would be necessary to invent him"

All I have to say is life sucks.

life is a terminal illness like cancer it can go into remission here and there but you can't escape the fact it sucks like a 20 dollar whore who has gonorrhea of the throat and as denis leary said there's no cure for cancer

"Most people think life sucks, and then you die. Not me. I beg to differ. I think life sucks, then you get cancer, then your dog dies, your wife leaves you, the cancer goes into remission, you get a new dog, you get remarried, you owe ten million dollars in medical bills but you work hard for thirty-five years and you pay it back and then -- one day -- you have a massive stroke, your whole right side is paralyzed, you have to limp along the streets and speak out of the left side of your mouth and drool but you go into rehabilitation and regain the power to walk and the power to talk and then -- one day -- you step off a curb at Sixty-seventh Street, and BANG you get hit by a city bus and then you die. Maybe" Denis Leary
928 posts

The Army is what will give me my respect, courage, will, and goodness back.

Well, Im done here

922 posts

I know this thread is old, and I'm going to get called on for "Reviving dead threads", but I could care less, and what I have to say is realy important.

Well, its not to me. God gave me the gift of life, I come into the world. Then my grandma gets me saved. I'm then forced to go through 13 years of school full of hateful kids, making fun of me all day. Girls look at me like I'm a freak, They use me as a threat. (example: If your not quiet I'll sick Sean on you. That came from a teacher)
I'm 17 and no girlfriend ever. I've even tried praying for a break: "Please god, I just want to be respected. Some one to like me, someone to treat me like I deserve." Nothing, I just got beat up that next day. Well, now I'm an Ex-Christian, (saved) who is condemned to unhappiness, condemned to hate, and condemned to hell.

Look, all Christians go through trials in hardtimes. That is when Christ shows himself the most. For example Job who wrote the book of Job in the Bible. He lost everything. He lost his family, his health, and all his possesians, and was left with nothing. God was testing him to see if he would remain faithful, and he did, and God gave him twice as much as what he had before. All Christians experience trials. You just got to keep faith in God, and your reward in Heaven will be great.
662 posts

I dont believe in any religion

4,752 posts
Grand Duke

I think yes religions provide things witch are useful for anyone.

2,053 posts

It's not a necessity, but lots of people cling to it. I'm a christian, but not an extremely narrow-minded one. I don't go by the bible on everything. It's really just your choice whether religion is necessary, and if it is, to what extent you follow it's rules.

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